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Everything posted by JPDontletthedoorhityourars

  1. How original. Hollywood is becoming so predictable its laughable. You didn't need to be Nostradumass to see Sean Penn would win. Who else are they going to pick? A Chavez-lovin' America-hater who played a homo or a conservative Hollywood outcast (Mickey Rourke)?
  2. I get carried away..Maybe 'you' don't feel that way but it sure feels that way to a lot of 'us.'
  3. Good post. I agree with a lot of it. Trent's injury-proneness has to be a factor in the Bills' quest for becoming a playoff team in the future.
  4. They just don't get it. They don't realize what made and still makes us great is we are an independent democracy. Free-market capitalism is the only economic system that is proven to work. Greed is what undone the ideology. They hate America, no doubt. They want to free the terrorist, let the drug peddlers storm the border, imprison their own military.
  5. Two things here: If France weren't so damn socialist and politically correct they wouldn't have 25% Arab population. And really who cares what France thinks of us or Sweden or any of those bozo countries? I rather be more mindful of who fears us because we are winning the battle over terrorism. The true 'few' democracies left in the world will support that effort. If other countries hate us, then let them...it means we are doing the right thing. Like Syria and Saudi Arabia are suddenly becoming pro-American because we closed Gitmo. Yah!
  6. We just want someone to fawn over...you know with our mouths agape...with no clue why we feel like this!
  7. Art Monk got in. Reed better get in. Reed did more than 10 yard curls. Art Monk was never the best receiver on his team in any year.
  8. How can Parcells be wrong--that was his strategy and he won! Thurman was facing a two and three man front because Parcells dropped eight and nine in coverage. I heard Parcells say the best way to win was to take Reed out of the game. They did. Kelly was recently interviewed on CBS and regretted not running the ball more. The Cards throw 70% of the time...of course his numbers are crazy. They are more pass-happy. The Bills were a run team first--they were top five rushing during their years. I would submit Fitz is a slightly better talent. Don't forget Reed was the #2 rated receiver between 1989-1992 behind Jerry Rice. I would even say in 1989 Reed was the best. That should put him in the Hall.
  9. Don't get me wrong--Trent needs more work to be a solid proven QB. But most of his collapse in play was due to the concussion--I'm feel pretty sure about that. My point is that losing Peters would not hurt Edwards play as much as others would believe. Also, remember the Bills were one of the least sacked teams until JP got involved....speaking about running in a panic.
  10. "The longer Reed waits, the more unlikely his election becomes, because receivers keep passing him. I think the selectors view Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas as the Hall-of-Famers from that era" I think Bill Parcells would wholeheartedly disagree. He considered Reed the biggest threat on the 90 team. I think Andre's hissy-fits might keep him out but there is no question he is a hall-of famer. Art Monk can't tie his shoes. I wonder if people realize Larry Fitzgerald's game reminds us of Andre Reed.
  11. Sorry I hate Peters--this time I'll take Bills management side. He stunk this year. I hope Gross signs such a huge deal the Bills will just let Peters walk after his contract is due. If he sits out again--sayonara. The fact is Edwards biggest strength is his poise in the pocket and his fast release. Edwards is not going to get sack often even if Jason Robards is the LT. The reason I feel this way is the Bills MADE him. Any other team that brought him in might have kept him as a tightend and eventually cut his ungrateful ass.
  12. No, the hypocrisy is that his great body of work is not worth applauding if you don't step in line with their agenda. Got it?
  13. Great cow? I wonder if the dems will tax her when she farts.
  14. I recall a mathematician saying the recount in one particular county was statistically impossible. Democrats will tell you how Jeb/Kathleen Harris cheated Gore in the recount in 2000. But, I was living in West Palm Beach then, and can tell you it was the Dems doing all the funny business with all of the chad business. Bush actually lost votes during the process. The person in charge of the recounts for that locality was a woman democrat--I don't recall her name, but I use to see her in town once in awhile. I didn't see the movie 'Recount' with Josh Brolin and Kevin Spacey, but somehow I'm betting they depicted Kathleen Harris in a very unfavorable light---just my guess. Another republican woman demonized by the media.
  15. The hypocrisy of the Hollywood left was in full motion last night. During the annual "Memoriam," Charlton Heston was given the "silent treatment." Normally mega-stars are applauded and since he was the first one presented with plenty of clips shown, there was enough time afforded for even a smattering. Sydney Pollack, Paul Newman of course were applauded and should be. Even Ivan Dixon of Hogan Heroes got a brief "clapping." I guess Moses wasn't their kind of Jew.
  16. I'm not so much a republican as I am a true conservative. Both parties are full of crooks. Like you said we are polar opposites so maybe the same line of thinking can be applied to you as well?
  17. Personally, I don't care about the long-term consequences. I hope they leave Peters' contract alone to play out and leave. And if he holds out again, cut him. I know you'll say it's stupid--not in the best interests of the team--but I say...fk it!
  18. Yes, you might be educated but you have much learning to do yet my very young friend. You should be mindful of not insulting an entire state just because of your misguided beliefs that somehow Alaskans who are known to be the 'outdoorsy types', hence the "common man," are ignorant and beneath you. Yes, you said all that...it was reflected in your words and tone.
  19. Yes, in terms of achievement, your life summary is very brief compared to Sarah Palin.
  20. Criminals aren't politically correct. They might do something to them what the politicians are afraid to do. Yeah..I'm on board.
  21. The real enemy is in your avatar. 65% haven't figured it out yet.
  22. Where the hell are they going to get the money to pay for this? The state is completely bankrupt. Maybe to draw more interest and increase ticket revenues they should combine teams and rename them The Oakland Aliens or the San Francisco Sodomites.
  23. Have you seen his research center down there? Just curious, I'm not sure of what to make of him, but I do find it fascinating.
  24. Agnostic is good... it means you're still thinking about it.
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