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rochester rob

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Everything posted by rochester rob

  1. Very young to be playing this game
  2. They played an all-around good game. Great win. If they would just stop shooting themselves in the foot (ass ) They could do some damage in the tourney.
  3. I wonder what kind of stats Fitz would have behind the line Kelly had and with Thurman and the receivers. The defense we had at that time was pretty good too as I recall. Just saying
  4. Missed that. If it weren't for the transition game this team would be dead.
  5. Margo Timmins of cowboy junkies . Try the trinity session - Joan Osborne - Marva Wright
  6. Only happens during the last rounds of the playoffs. Notice that Brady can be sacked without the flag being tossed during the same period of playoffs. Coincidence that they lose only these games?
  7. YEAH STUPID- WHY DON'T YOU CALL IT LIKE IT IS THE BILLS JUST GOT !@#$ED AND YOU WANT THEM TO REMAIN COOL I suppose I'll read post all week like Fitz lost the game and we just can't compete.
  8. How many of those elite QB were picked at the top or even in the first round ? How many can't miss QB are no longer relevant to the franchise label? With our history of drafting how comfortable are you with next years crop of can't miss?
  9. soon to be 62
  10. Try Louisiana gold from Bruce foods a nice combination of Tabasco and franks IMHO
  11. Thanks to all for the condolences.The real point was weather you care or haven't thought about it,you should. Then make your decisions and communicate them to all who need to know. It makes an impossible time at least doable. Wills,living wills,health care proxy, DNR,etc all good to have and know. Remember just because you know wishes ,you are likely in shock and others in family need to know to carry on. Joan was a hardcore bills fan and I hope she smiles on them as I know she is to me. Thank you Rob
  12. The best thing you can do is sit down with loved ones and talk about death and your wishes. My wife of forty years passed suddenly last week,and if we had not had communicated to family about this subject it would have been much harder to think. To make sure everyone knows is not morbid- it is a comfort in an impossible time.
  13. Kind of a circular argument you have with yourself.There are no stats other than college because as you pointed out he was only a practice player. The best thing that can be said is green bay wanted to retain him but he knew it was only to ride the bench behind Rodgers. better to go to buffalo and compete for the job. The fact that he had little time given to prove anything should be rectified at camp. Wait and see what happens and like you said support what ever the team decides is best. We can't be any worse off than last year . Can we?
  14. If the pick had been Cody, would you still think reach? They are basically same skill level,but Troup won't be in danger of eating himself out of the league.
  15. Nanker did you catch the officials holding up the start of play so the pats could get an extra man off the field?
  16. You always hear that he and the qb are not on the same page. Maybe if he would be at practice instead of accepting some award or doing a charity event they could get into sync. Na- he would also have to run routes and give consistent effort and that will never happen
  17. Avoid caffeine on the day of test. will drop you at least 10points
  18. also Travis Laboy linebacker- worth it?
  19. Stood up at the line by wood/levitre
  20. Yea a call on the first series against a player that's not been playing for awhile.I don't suppose that would set a tone for anything . And in any stadium and any game I believe holding can be called however it is never called on the pats and unless they changed the rule of what constitutes holding I saw plenty of it going on.? Pick play legal or not, Faulk runs right across your cb and welker crosses right behind him
  21. you are right the bills lost by themselves. The refs helped pats win
  22. About the best that we as fans could hope for.Is that the crews will continue to officiate as fairly as they did in the super bowl. The pats whined about it but for once they got called for all the holding, grabbing and hitting receivers all over the field, and Tommy didn't get a free pass to toss into coverage and then call for interference. If this were to continue- we all know that the team of the ages would simply be the team of the aged.
  23. Grizzly It's made in hunt,new york Used to be carried in gander mountain but not sure if it's still there. Very good with beer and cheddar Just looked it up grizzlyscustomcutting.com call Ivan he's a great guy tell him Bob said so.
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