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rochester rob

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Everything posted by rochester rob

  1. Man am I upset. Shat we had to give up Olof Pliar to make it work
  2. The voice of reason or a reasonable voice, all valid points and well stated. Thank you for your work this season. I have hung with this team forever ( mid to late sixties ) and find little to make me change now. That said it would be very nice to get back to some of the excitement we all enjoyed so much in the late 1980s and early 1990s .
  3. Resolve Not to get to high and not to get to low with my team
  4. May he rest in peace. He had an incredible knowledge and recall of the college players coming up. Loved to listen to him talk.
  5. I have attended games at the Ralph since the late eighties. I always have a good time . I believe the media attention is as always on the most controversial aspects it can find to sell it's story. It is an unfortunate that behavior has gone down as it gets more public exposure, it seems a reflection of society as a whole. Common behaviors today would not have been accepted in decades past. There have always been some rowdy characters no matter what time period it is a part of the culture of the NFL and the game of football. Live and let live, Enjoy what you as a fan want to, and steer clear of that which you do not.
  6. BBF bartender screwed it up it's suppose to be a live cricket
  7. Well I hope the barrel isn't any deeper than we appear to be. And 2017 would be long enough if we don't have a major improvement over this last season.
  8. As a long time suffering bills fan all I can say is now the circus is complete.
  9. Westside I lost my wife of forty years five years ago. I know what you are going through so I offer you this. Always on the mind. Forever in the heart. Though the physical space is empty. You are never truly apart. Have a good day and remember all the good.
  10. I believe that for maybe 26 teams , if caught would be slapped down hard. For the other six it's other considerations that take precedent. So well irrelevant to cheat is a matter of whom not what
  11. Change the title to Benson v Kraft and you have not only the equation but the the response. Nada for the latter Hard on the former
  12. NFL season opens in New England on a Thursday night. No way are they not going to have the golden boy on the field. Just a fine which he will recoup from ownership.
  13. Oline,Te,Qb. Line has not worked together so look for ind.technique. How players react to new coaching is decent indicator of work ethic. Might just find that sleeper we all hear about.
  14. They both look good. I would take either of the coaches as well, both are into the game and actually show some emotion.
  15. And this is the problem with the bills. They draft or trade for a qb and then try to change them. They take a gunslinger and makeover to pocket passer Gee didn't work. They take a runner and same crap. Idea only take someone with the attribute you want. It's like getting married with the idea he/she will change ain't happening.
  16. All that's needed is a good qb. Not great just a guy that puts the ball on his receivers,sees open guys and doesn't take stupid sacks. Then we have a winning team but not untill then.
  17. Calls are always subjective by refs. Of course if you are the new england patriots and a call cost you points then the competition committee immediately starts talking about a new rule change next season. Call in question, helmet to helmet that wasn't. resulting fumble and return for td disallowed. Only the patriots get new changes when wrong is done by officials .think tuck rule.
  18. Refs didn't see it because the jersey wasn't the right color. I get that some plays are bang bang and full speed is tough on zebras but the differential in judgement calls is horrendous.
  19. E Sanders takes a hit in the shoulder rips his own helmet off while rolling on the ground,lays there like he's dead then gets up prancing and giving the toss the flag sign finally bowing to the home crowd Now if all that is not unsportsmanlike, then Jerry must have really gave an earful to the zebra to deserve his call.
  20. Zebras get together and it gos well we can't say they didn't catch it so --how about whatever... bull **** pure and simple
  21. As bad as it might be. Officials have always influenced the game ,particularly for some players over the majority. Still this rule is intended to stop the bump,push,grab of receivers down the field. Many times last season the corners have gotten away with blatant interference (legion of boom,etc). Hopefully it will stop the crap and not slow the game. Remember it will be called much more in the preseason as a teaching tool.
  22. That piece on ESPN with Erin was beautiful .
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