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Everything posted by goynahan

  1. i remember the EJ thing too now that you mention it. @wayne Cubed you watch any more of the game to confirm or deny what I observed?
  2. So when I was watching the game against the Giants last week, I noticed that everytime Tyrod puts his mouthpiece in, the play is a passing play. Then when he doesn't, he sticks it up in his facemask and it's a running play. I specifically and intently watched for it during yesterday's game and without fail the same pattern occured, every play. Anyone else notice this? And if I noticed it, I'm sure other teams have right?
  3. At about the 14 minute mark of the Schwartz presser video on bb.com, Jim starts mentioning players in the secondary and how he's excited to work with them. He mentions Gilmore, mckelvin, then Aaron Williams, but no mention of Byrd. How do you not mention the best player back there? Do you think he subconsciously did that because in his conversations with Brandon, Whaley, etc. he was told Jairus won't be back? Really bored so figured I'd go through with making a thread of this to see what y'all think.
  4. I would love to see blue jerseys on blue pants, like how the ravens go black on black
  5. just some extra info I meant to post earlier. good ol' scotty has 4 fumbles in 123 career catches. Here's some other TE #s A Gates - 5 fumbles in 706 career catches J Witten - 5 fumbles in 860 career catches T Gonzalez - 6 fumbles in 1304 career catches B Celek - 1 fumble in 303 career catches not at all saying he's in their league, but holding onto the ball is holding on the ball and the dude has a serious problem with it
  6. Oh wait trade deadline has passed. cut? I literally hold my breath everytime a ball is thrown his way because it seems he's good for a drop/fumble quite frequently. He makes alot of great plays and has shown good hands and the ability to get open but he might be more unreliable than stevie in a big moment.
  7. Per Chris Brown's tweet. Traded? Cut?
  8. His in-game demeanor & postgame interview rubbed me the wrong way a bit. First of all, I saw not an ounce of passion or enthusiasm during the game. Everytime the cameras showed him on the sideline he was just standing there with that squinty look on his face. No interaction with other guys on the offense, no attempts to boost the morale on the sideline, nothing. It seems like he is hesitant to embrace a leadership role and knows he will have the "oh he's a rookie" excuse to fall back on if he plays poorly and this team doesn't win. I mean as bad as he played we were still in the game in the 4th quarter, but you could see it in his face that he was done. I understand that rookies aren't supposed to come in and light it up but if you are the starting quarterback of an nfl team you need to take ownership of it and embrace it, rookie or no rookie. then he goes in to the post game interview and although he admitted he didnt play well, i felt like he should have taken a little more personal responsibility. A couple of times he mentioned how the lack of running game made it difficult to pass - I would argue it was the other way around today. I would have loved to hear him go up there and say "you know what guys i sucked today plain and simple. I let my guys down. But im gonna work my tail off to get better and we're gonna get this thing right." But instead we got some lame, half assed chat about how the steelers played awesome and took all his reads away, almost as if he was saying there was nothing he couldve done. so right or wrong thats how i feel and had to vent a bit, as someone who lived in pittsburgh for 7 years these losses against the steelers always hurt a little more than others.
  9. That's how I felt about Tuel as well before watching the replay - that he is who he is, that he was put in a tough spot, that I shouldn't expect much of anything from him, etc. etc. But I couldn't help but want to punch him in the face after watching the replay. It goes against what I logically think about him and the whole situation but it's just the natural response I have to seeing it again.
  10. Just thinking the same thing. When I watched the replay and saw how open Stevie was it felt like I got punched in the stomach, I cant imagine how Tuel felt when he saw that. I also felt an extreme level of anger and hate toward Tuel, which I didn't feel until I saw the replay.
  11. What LynchTrain said. There's about 8-10 players I see actively on twitter that seem to hang out together and be friends off the field. According to Yolo's logic, with a roster of 53, the other 40-45 players must not have any friends. Aside from random encounters in town, Twitter is really the only window we have into their off-the-field lives, which means if they aren't active on Twitter then we really have no idea how/with who they spend their free time and it's stupid to assume anything about them
  12. I just did a bar crawl down Carson this past weekend with the old crew from college (I went to Pitt, lived in the burgh for 3 years after, and then moved back to buffalo for work 4 years ago). The girls in our group made up a list of drinks we had to take down at each bar. Here was our lineup: 1. Carson City Saloon - a fish bowl of long islands 2. Local - a yinzarita - its a margarita with a corona shoved upside-down in it. pretty tasty 3. nakama - saki bomb 4. Marios - $2 blue moons 5. Caseys - $7 pitcher of Yuengling 6. Villa - shots of tequila 7. mullens - don't remember 8. library - don't remember It was a heck of a time but I'm just now (Thursday) feeling normal again. Guess I can't hang like I used to. But pittsburgh is a great time you'll find something to do easily.
  13. He's gonna end up at canisius, remember where you heard it
  14. I was getting my rocks off to Kmart bra ads well before 12 came around, no doubt I'd let her piss my peepee
  15. First of all, it's great news that something has been done and we will have, at the very minimum, 7 more years (though I don't think they're ever going to really leave). But thinking about the current mental state of bills fans, could this hurt attendance? We have filled the stadium consistently over the past 13 years, relentlessly supporting a poor product. Aside from the fun of going to a game and the eternal hope we have that this year will be better than the last, I think another reason people have continued to fill the stadium is because we fear what an empty stadium would do to the chances of the team staying in town. I know I personally have attended meaningless, playoff-implicationless games late in December just out of pure support and to do my part to alleviate the chance they could use low attendance as an excuse for leaving. So next year, when its December and the bills are out of the hunt, will more people choose to stay home because they know the team isn't going anywhere for the next decade? I wonder.
  16. I'm way past the whole dog fighting thing, dude was raised in an environment where dogs lives were insignificant and he did his time n paid his dues. With regards to his fit on our team, he is clearly a better athlete and has the arm we need to spread the field. Also, i think he'd actually want to come here because of how little our qb gets sacked in this quick throw offense. However, because chan's offense is apparently so complex I don't know if he'd be able to pick it up in a year. And this is why we'll be seeing fitz as our qb next year - chan's overly complex offense doesn't allow for us to make a quick change at the position (which drives me crazy personally). IMO chan takes himself way too seriously as an offensive coach (refuses to give new qbs a try because he doesn't think they can run the offense - Vince young, tarvaris jackson, refusing to run the ball because he overthinks the situation and attempts to outsmart the opposition, etc.)
  17. ^^^This right here plus I'm a Pitt grad, so throw in continual Pitt Basketball tournament failures and a football team that hasn't done a thing either.
  18. Kirk Morrison has been inactive every game so far this season. Will he ever get to play? I think he's a great ambassador for our team and is one of the more vocal and media-friendly players, yet he doesn't even get to put a uniform on. I have to imagine that he's pretty upset about signing that contract extension just to wear shorts and a t-shirt every Sunday.
  19. It looks like they are playing a cover 3 - the corners and the deep safety look like they are bailing to their deep 3rds, the safety who is lined up on the slot receiver is taking on the role of the strong side backer and has the curl/flat (same for the weak side backer), and the two middle backers are playing the middle of the field. If that's the case then the backers need to spread out more because they will likely get beat to the flat/sideline every time by the rbs, receivers, and more athletic tight ends. Im no d coordinator but If I thought I had a strong pass rush cover 3 is the last thing I'd run as it requires the corners to play with a safety mentality and not let anything behind them, which bodes well for a qb and gameplan that gets the ball out quickly.
  20. i know someone who was involved with his surgery and they told me he broke his baby toe and they put screws in it. I have no idea how long that could keep a professional athlete from performing at a high level but maybe it does take that long.
  21. I'm gonna go ahead and say it's not an std like some people have been saying, because chan would have never put him on the spot with the "it's something he should tell you guys" line if that was the case. Having said that, I have no idea whats wrong with dude
  22. For the coaching staff to find a way to upset one of the biggest team-first players on our squad absolutely disgusts me. I am more upset about this development than I am the evans trade. It may be that with every incomprehensible decision I'm inching closer and closer to my tipping point, but after hearing about this development with spiller and fred I actually felt a sense of "I don't really care what happens with this team anymore". It's killing me that I feel that way when the season hasn't even begun yet, but the decision to start spiller (if that ends up being the case come regular season) is wrong on so many levels, some of which are: 1. There is no discussion as to who is the more productive of the two - Fred has been unbelievably consistent during his time here behind an ever-revolving offensive line. With every other back, we've always had to make some kind of excuse or justification (marshawn hesitates in the hole, spiller needs to work on his vision and isnt a between the tackles runner, etc). we have NEVER had to make an excuse for Fred, he just comes in and does his job, and does it damn well. 2. This reeks of a decision from above - CJ is getting paid, let's try and get our money's worth. 3. This can't sit well with the locker room - Fred is not only a fan favorite but an excellent locker room guy. How does this make the other vets feel when they see a guy bust his ass for years, outperform his competition, yet still get the shaft? If I was a guy in that locker room, I would certainly make me question what the hell is going on. As you can see from my post count, I do much more reading than posting. But like I said earlier in my post, as small a development as this may be individually, when you add it up with the other questionable decisions that have been made this offseason (no upgrade to o-line, evans trade come to mind), I have already begun to feel indifferent about what happens with this team anymore. and that is a crying shame
  23. I'd do her. But then again I rarely come across a woman I wouldn't
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