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Solomon Grundy

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Posts posted by Solomon Grundy

  1. Everyone should note that Caldwall, the roadgrading center from Alabama did not have the opportunity to go agaisnt Ragi all week. Seems that the North team centers pretty much handled their business, except for Raji. I couldnt take watching the game online, and did not see it, but how did Caldwell do against Ragi?


    Secondly, If Mack, Unger, and Caldwell are all very talented cetners, one of them will be there in the second. If the Bills determine they are high on the big board they will take one.

    Don't sleep on Eric Wood from Louisville.

  2. Were you there all day? These guys were. Try reading my post and the excerpts from actual people who were there all day again. Yes, Raji had some success against Mack, but Mack was the only guy who had success against Raji. The only one. So if you are worried about what Jenkins and Wilfork would do against Mack, you had better close your eyes if any other young center finds his way into our lineup.


    If you wait till the 3rd / 4th round to fill the center and tight end positions, you know what you get? Guys who, after a year or two of experience will be easily mistaken for Duke Preston and Robert Royal.

    Thurman1, everything you read isn't always correct. I remember reading that the world was flat and Christopher Columbus discovered America. I watched the practices and I reported what I saw with my own two eyes. Alex Mack is not worthy of the 11th pick in the draft IMO and I just thank god you aren't in the decision making process down at OBD. As far as waiting past the 3rd/4th round for a center/tight end, draft guru, there is an undrafted center starting in the Super Bowl next week and an undrafted pro bowl tight end in the league. Thurman1, I suggest you put down your Mel Kiper draft guide and do your own research.

  3. Good Point on player weights, but I already knew that looking over some rosters.


    The Bills and fans want to see a pass rush terror on the field opposite Schobel,they won't find one from this draft,at least not for 09 season.


    Like I stated eariler....I suppose the Bills could draft one of the DE/OLB listed above and develop them,hows that working for the Jets and Vernon Gholston 6'3'' 264 ? Wasn't Gholston supposed to be a great pass rusher,what happened?

    You want a DE pass rusher,a hands down on the line player and yet you want to draft a 250 lb project?[/b]

    First of all, going into the combine many questioned Gholston's motor and work ethic. Secondly, Gholston didn't display a plethora of pass rush moves. And yes, as a 250lb. pass rushing DE, I want the Bills to target Everette Brown.

  4. I realize this may be a really bizarre concept to a few, but why not draft the very best talent and mold the systems around what they do best? Then you have great players playing in systems they excel in instead of the alternative of settling for overachiever and average talent that work hard at trying to make a go of it in their coach's favorite system.

    Isn't that how the KGun was derived?

  5. If you watched coverage of the Senior Bowl practices you would have seen BJ Raji killing Alex Mack in the one on one drills, just imagine what Kris Jenkins and Vince Wilfork would do to him. As of now, IMO, Mack wouldn't be a consideration at 11. There isn't a center in the draft that I would take at 11 or a tight end for that matter. As a Bills fan, I hope they don't look at those two positions until the 3rd/4th round. I believe that they can get Caldwell or Shipley in the 3rd and Coffman in the 4th. If Coffman isn't there in the 4th, Shawn Nelson from So.Mississippi will be a viable option. This guy really caught my eye watching the practices. He caught everything, was able to beat his defender down the middle of the field and the pro coaches were giving him high compliments. I really believe the Bills should address the pass rush/defensive line with the first two picks. You all know how highly I think of Everette Brown and hope he is there for the Bills at 11. Basically I hope they go DE/DT in round one and DE/DT/LB in round two.

  6. I absolutely hate this argument, as it picks a single outlier and uses it to suggest that it could happen again. If we look back at the Superbowl QBs of the past twenty years the reality is you will almost always lose or never even get there with a "game managing" QB who also doesn't have some other major skill sets. They are listed winning QB/losing QB.


    1988 Williams/Elway

    1989 Montana/Esiason

    1990 Montana/Elway

    1991 Hostetler/Kelly

    1992 Rypien/Kelly

    1993 Aikman/Kelly

    1994 Aikman/Kelly

    1995 Young/Humphries

    1996 Aikman/O'Donnell

    1997 Farve/Bledsoe

    1998 Elway/Farve

    1999 Elway/Chandler (had a Probowl year)

    2000 Warner/McNair

    2001 Dilfer/Collins

    2002 Brady/Warner

    2003 Johnson (Probowl year)/Gannon

    2004 Brady/Delhomme

    2005 Brady/McNabb

    2006 Rothlesberger/Hasselbeck

    2007 P.Manning/Grossman

    2008 E.Manning/Brady


    How many pure game managers without also having significant skills are on that list? Maybe five, and that's debatable. How many of them ended up on the winning side? The Dilfer example is foolish as that Ravens team had one of the top defensive units in the history of the NFL. Teams need a QB who is a leader and who also can put the team on his back and will them to victory over certain stretches of the season.


    You can't build a team around a mediocre "cerebral" QB and expect your defense to carrry you to a championship. A team might luck out and get there if every single thing goes their way, but in those very, very rare occasions where it happened the team lost. There isn't a single QB on the winning side of the past 20 Superbowls that Edwards will ever be better than. I just don't see it. In my opinion this team needs a legitimate franchise QB just to compete.

    Johnny, now go through that same list and name all of the good to great tight ends all the WINNING QB's had.

  7. Are you serious????? Who do you think will still be in the league 10 years from now, Flacco or Edwards? Flacco has all the tools, Edwards does not!


    Dilfer was a high first rounder coming out and was not asked to do much when he got to the Ravens. If our defense is ever as good as that Raven D was(record for fewest points scored against) maybe Edwards could manage his way to the Superbowl.


    I think Dilfer was a better QB than Edwards will ever be, you can't hold his Buc years against him. No one could win with that team back then.

    We can officially anouint Troy a "Trent Edwards hater"

  8. Who needs to go? Turk or Trent? I say its the players that make plays and win games 90%, coaching and play calling 10%.



    I think both can stay. What we need is to upgrade our OL with players that are more athletic, that can continue their blocking assignments down field to keep the play going and also to be able to pull and run some sweeps along with some screens. This I know can't happen overnite.

    How about a strength and conditioning coach that can whip the Oline into shape?

  9. Our #2 WR is fine. I don't know why you think a TE will make our O so much better. Look at the 4 teams still alive, Eagles and Cardinals rarely use their TE. Ravens TE is no better than mediocre. Heath Miller is good but does not make the Steelers great. It is the QB! All 4 teams have a better one than us. Until we get some solid QB play we will have trouble taking it to the next level. QB is the most important position, I love Leodis but Flacco would be looking pretty sweet in a Bill uniform right about NOW!


    Look at what Penningtondid for the Fish, and he is just good not great!

    Cardinals have two GREAT WR's and a tight end that when he does get the ball thrown to him doesn't drop it or turn it over. Todd Heap for the Ravens isn't a slouch. He was the cog on their offense that got them to the Super Bowl and eventually won.

  10. According to "sources", he had a very bad injury. I doubt he will make OTAs/and perhaps miss at least some training camp. Remember McGahee. Even with a good rehab, these injuries can take up to two years. There's no doubt... he will not contribute in '09.

    McGahee had a total knee reconstruction, Hardy has a ACL. Lee Evans tore his ACL in college and didn't lose a step. James seems to be mentally strong. He will be fine.

  11. stay away from "Hardy" boys. if we draft him, he will be a non-factor after his first 2 games next year, get injured and miss most of the following season.



    although i like james hardy and he is the WR i wanted (besides malcolm kelly)...i dont see him being much.


    i dont know much about greg hardy the DE...havent seen him play enough.

    If you consider James Hardy a bust, what do you think of Malcolm Kelly? Here are 3 other WR's that people thought were busts after their 1st season: Jerry Rice, Cris Carter, Plaxico Burris(remember they called him Plexiglass). Let James learn the NFL game he is going to be a very good receiver.

  12. i like how we're not even halfway through January and everyone is so sure of the current draft "rating" (whatever those mean) that they are trying to figure out ways to justify NOT taking the best Center in the draft...


    you guys can keep your ratings and terms like "reach". none of that stuff matters and it has only been made up so nerds like Kiper can have something to talk about.

    Well good Dr., who is this best Center in the draft you are referring to? And how did you come to the conclusion that he is the best?

  13. In this draft the impact players will be gone by the 9th selection.

    Like H2O said, "NOT TRUE". If Everette Brown isn't there at 11 another impact player that is bound to be there is Aaron Curry. He wouldn't be the pass rush specialist we need, but he would impact the LB core the way Jerod Mayo did with the Pats last year.

  14. Mock Draft 2009: Send this to the Bills Personnel Dept.

    Jan.12, 2009


    1.) Alex Mack – C- 6’4” 315 California

    2.) Fili Moala - DL- 6”5” 295 USC

    3.) Ron Brace - DL- 6’3” 330 – 40: 5.25 Boston College

    4.) Phil Loadholt –OL- 6’8” 330 Oklahoma

    5.) Pannel Egboh- DL- 6’6” 275 Stanford

    6.) John Phillips- TE- 6’6” 252 -40: 4.8 Virginia

    7.) Steve Rehring- OG- 6’7” 333 40: 5.39 Ohio State

    Undrafted FA

    Cedric Dockery – Texas –OL, Willie Rose- FAU – FB, Brooks Foster –North Carolina –WR, Greg Carr- FSU- WR, Isaiah Williams- Maryland- WR, Logan Paulson-UCLA-TE, Rory Nichols- Ohio State –TE

    Unrestricted F/A

    Sign :

    J. Greer- CB – Buffalo,T.J. Houshmandzadeh- WR- Cincinnati,Jordin Gross-OT-Carolina, Koren Robinson-WR-Seahawks, Robert Ferguson- WR- Minnesota, Chris Komoeatu- OG- Pittsburg, Justin Peele-TE- Atlanta

    You rebuild the offense/Defensive lines and this team wins 3-4 more games next year. I should be the G.M. I would need (2) more drafts and F/A to get the bills on track! RF.

    This is the kind of "reach" mentality that has been hampering the Bills the past 10 years. You use the #11 pick in the draft on an impact player, not on a center even if it is a need of this team. There are a couple of centers in the draft that are comparable to Alex Mack that they can acquire later in the draft. You first look at the best "football player" available, then you check your board and see where that player fits your area of need, then you select him. At 11 Alex Mack will not be in the best player available category. Sorry, but I like your thinking about loading up on the DLinemen and plucking more WR's with undrafted FA.

  15. I dont see how Johnson does not fit our scheme. He is pretty much a prototypical 4-3 end. Add 20 lbs of muscle and he is a physical twin to Peppers and Mario Williams. That being said, I dont think he is as good as Brown. Brown looks likes and plays like Freeny. Similar size and skill set. However in college Johnson has played both right and left end, and I think he could in the pros as well. Brown I feel would never line up on the left side.


    Secondly, Drafting Mack and Coffman 2-3 is a pipedream. We can pobably count on getting one of those guys in the second, but both will be gone by the third. I think best chances of filling those holes are 1-DE, 2-TE (Coffman or Pettigrew) 3- Best C left, maybe needing to trade back into the 2nd to make sure. I would be fine with that considering it would cost a 4th or 5th.

    Thoner7, FSU moved Everette Brown all over their defensive line. He lined up on the left, right and even at NT like Bruce Smith used to do with the Bills. Johnson is a "potential" guy, the Bills need an "impact" guy with the 11th pick in the draft.

  16. I like evertte brown, however, I think brown is better suited for a 3-4 defense in the NFL (which our defense is not). To me, Hardy with his size, would be a perfect pure 4-3. He's at around 260 last time I checked and can bulk up still 10 pounds more easily as he continues to mature. Hardy reminds me of osi U. from the Giants or a Gaines Adams, except much more athletic, and much more explosive.


    My only concern may be injuries, but none of them have been really serious.


    Hardy is a beast, Period.

    Bobonators, Everette Brown weighed in at 252 that's 8 lbs lighter than Greg Hardy, why wouldn't he make it in a 4-3? How much did Aaron Schobel weigh when he made the Pro Bowl? Let's get off of the weight issue, Everette Brown is a bonafide "football player" period. Greg Hardy has had injury problems with his foot/ankle, do you really want to gamble with that type injury with the 11th pick in the draft? Schobel has a foot/ankle injury and many of the posters want to send him to the glue factory. Everette Brown as been injury free his career and if he is there at 11 the Bills should select him.

  17. Things I noticed during games.


    1) Eli Manning wore a glove.

    2) Jake Delhomme threw 5 INT's

    3) Joe Flacco was 11 for 22 155 yds and a TD


    These are all criticisms of Trent Edwards. Trent wears a glove, can't play in cold weather. Trent must still be suffering from his concussion, he threw 3 INT's. When will Trent Edwards throw for 300 yds and 3 TD's. We all agree that the QB's aforementioned are good QB's that were helped with solid defense, let's build our defense and watch Trent grow into a playoff caliber QB.

  18. The last line of the article says the Bills can compete with the rest of the division if the right moves are made. We all know better don't we? It's going to take more than a DE to turn this around, regardless of how much praise he gets.

    That's why we should target Bertrand Berry in FA, draft Everette Brown, Chase Coffman and Antoine Caldwell. Remaining picks should go OLB,DT,DT,QB.

  19. We need a freak of nature on defense. A Defensive End that sacks QB's. Not ones that we had last year who just looked bad. They looked like fish swimming up field. We need a D end or outside LB some way or another.

    How many times do I have to spell this out. Get Bertrand Berry in FA. Draft Everette Brown in the first rd, Chase Coffman in the 2nd and Antoine Caldwell in the 3rd. All four of these guys epitomize the term "football player", not guys who play for a paycheck. This my friends will cure the playoff woes the Buffalo Bills have been facing the past 10 years.

  20. As a Bills fan down here in Steeler country its obvious the Bills are no where in the steelers league. The Steelers defense is truly awesome. Casey Hampton is very underratd noseguard. They have never over spent on linebackers, see James Farrior, they also get blue chippers in the 2-3 rounds. Hell Harrison wasnt even drafted. A great safey like Polamalu is a tremendous assest, like the Ravens having Ed Reed and the Pats with Rodney Harrison. How many plays does Donte Whitner make? Sorry I cant remember any. I would take any of the Steelers skill position players on offense over the Bills. Holmes and Hines Ward blow away Evans and Reed. Roethlisbuger is a gem, Heath Miller is a quality TE and Willie Parker give you the homerun. The difference in the Bills and Steelers is ownership and the front office. Its the reason Cowher went to Rooney and told him its either me or Donahoe, the Steelers kept Cowher and we got Donahoe and JP Friggin Losman. Its reason we keep and overpay for the like of Kelsay, Denney, Parish, Walker, Dockery and let Pat Williams, Clemens and Winfield go. Anybody who thinks this franchise is a year or two away is nuts.

    If the Bills hit a homerun in this draft like bleacherroom report is saying here, free up some money letting go of deadweight on the roster and bring in some free agents(Bertrand Berry, a DT, LB) they will make the playoffs despite having Dick Jauron as coach.

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