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Solomon Grundy

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Posts posted by Solomon Grundy

  1. I like the majority of his list, but there are a few exceptions I would like to mention. At cornerback, Nate Odomes should be on the team. He was our shutdown CB during the Super Bowl years and should get the nod over Robert James. Henry Jones should get the nod at safety over Steve Freeman. Talk about a ballhawk, Jones was an INT waiting to happen. Mark Pike should be included to the special teams. When Tasker wasn't making the play, Mark Pike was. Finally, outside linebacker. Who was better than blitzing from the outside than "Biscuit".

  2. Look, Dockery WAS overpaid, and he DID underperform a little, but regardless he was probably

    overall our best lineman last year.


    Lets break it down:

    Jason Peters - penalty machine. bad attitude.

    Langston Walker - slow as HELL.

    Butler - Ok, he wasnt bad.

    Preston - sh--

    Fowler - even worse than preston


    I know I forgot a few, but everyone is saying how great it is that Dockery is gone,

    but he was still arguably our best o lineman. Is anyone else upset that our line is worse?


    ps. I know that it opened up some cap room, but is a rookie really gonna be able to be a successful starter on day 1 of next season?


    Says you Mr. Magoo!

  3. All I know is if I thought I had a franchise qb I wouldn't even consider trading him. It's too hard to find a good qb in this league. Mcdaniels knows a thing or two about what it takes for a qb to be very successful, and the fact that he is entertaining trades speaks volume's. My guess is that he doesn't believe he is a leader, and that he makes too many boneheaded mistakes.


    Right on Magox!!

  4. Why all the fuss about Jay Cutler? What has he done in the league to warrant such accolades? Yes he has thrown for a lot of yards, but most of it was due to with having a great offensive mind (Mike Shanahan) and weapons around him. Has he ever won a playoff game? I'm sorry. He hasn't been to the playoffs. I wonder what Trent's career would be like if he had Cutler's opportunity. I personally would prefer Edwards over Cutler at this point. For one, Edwards isn't the primadonna Cutler is. Secondly, Cutler's performances toward the end of the season were not so great. Lastly, who knows how his bout with diabetes may effect the rest of his career.

  5. I don't understand the logic either. If Jauron and OBD gives up draft picks and a boat load of money to acquire this guy when there are many TE's in this draft with Daniels potential then I would have to question there intellect. This kind of thinking has put them in the mess they are in now (Bledsoe, Rob Johnson).

  6. This is a position that has been neglected for more than a decade. Looking at the available free agents, a couple are good. They are certainly better than anything we have, but do you people see any with a chance to be great?


    Free agency has changed drastically in just a few years. The Bills were able to bring in TKO just a few years ago. As I recall, Colvin was also available, and coming off a good year. Before this, we signed Bryce Paup who had decent numbers, and was made for our 3/4 defense.

    Today when i look at the UFA list, it is filled with OK players and a headcase or 2. Imo, we simply don't see many players in the class of TKO or Bryce. Maybe I'm wrong.


    What I love about the draft is that a player one takes might be great. The only TEs I have really seen are Coffman and Pettigrew. I view Coffman as a can't miss type of player. He reminds me of the guy the jests were lucky enough to draft. I don't know the 40 times, but Coffman appears to be quicker.

    As for Pettigrew, the only thing other than injuries that can keep Pettigrew from being a star is Pettigrew. I am troubled by his incident with the police, but do admit that it is possible for this type of behavior to end. He is a risk, but if he wants to play and walk straight he looks like a good bet to have a fine career.

    Then, there are supposedly a lot of other prospects at this position.


    My overall point is that I think we are better off addressing this position via the draft and locking up a kid with star potential to a long term deal instead of going after a ufa. I feel the same way about DT. LB too, although we should make a play for Vilma. I have watched him play and he covers a ton of space. Isn't this very important to our dumb style of defense?


    In short, I want the Bills to draft Raji. I think that Coffman will be gone in the later part of round 1, so if Raji is already taken, I am fine with a trade down. In my perfect scenario we would draft Raji and Coffman, and sign Vilma as a ufa. Hopefully, Jauron can get his quota of defensive backs through free agency or late round picks because if he dedicates yet another draft to the secondary, we might seriously be a 3 or 4 win team imo.


    Anyway, just my $.02 for what little it's worth. My friend R.Rich challenged me to do this, so there it is. :devil:


    Bill, I'm with you on this one. I don't want to overpay for a FA tight end when there are so many in the draft with the potential to be great. Edwards to Coffman has a nice ring to it. My pick at 11 is still Everette Brown, if he is not there then Raji would be fine. I'm kind of iffy on Vilma. Why can't he stay with one team? As a stop gap I'll take him as long as he doesn't cost too much. Let's build this team through the draft.

  7. This guy is 6'2"and ran a 4.5 40. Being the son of a NFL receiver coach, you know he knows how to read coverage. He showed good hands running the gauntlet at the combine and ran good routes. He's projected to go in the 4th rd. Would he be worth a look later in the draft?

  8. I think Losman may stay in Buffalo for 2 reasons:


    1st, JP Losman isn't in demand. He did not look like a starting quarterback when he played this year, so there isn't a lot of interest (maybe none?) by teams looking for a starting quarterback. The reason he wants out of Buffalo is because he wants to be a starting quarterback. If that isn't likely, his best option to continue to play in the league, and improve, may be Buffalo. He is comfortable on the team and respected by his teammates and the community. What would he face in another city? A backup position and starting all over again? Cut in training camp?



    2nd, the Bills don't seem to have many good options for the backup quarterback position. They don't want to overpay and they will merely, and almost assuredly, get a mediocre backup quality quarterback, as they pay more than they would have for Losman.



    It seems best for both parties that JP Losman stays here, as it makes both the player and the team more stable .


    (If Losman was with another team and in the same position, Buffalo would likely be very interested.)

    I'm glad they call you Mister DEFENSE!!

  9. Poland, I think you are giving Modrak a bad rap when it comes to the Bills drafts. Wasn't it Modrak that recommended that we draft Cutler only to be underminded by our then GM Marv Levy and selected a DB. I also remember the McGahee pick being solely the selection of Tom Donahoe. Modrak when having the final say in selecting talent has proven to be very good. Remember the job he did in Philly. With him finally being in control of the Bills draft this year, let's see what type of job he does.

  10. Will Andre Reed become a HOF WR, YES!! He should be there already. Andre Reed dominated at his position in the late 80's, early 90's. The criteria of a dominant player is when an opposing team has to game plan for you as an offensive/defensive player and Reed kept many a defensive coordinator up at night. You have to look no further than the defensive game plan in Super Bowl XXV. The Giants knew Andre Reed was the key to the passing attack and they limited him and our offense. As far as his stats, he was at the top of the heap when he retired. Should he get in before Cris Carter? Hell YES. Cris Carter,IMO, wasn't a dominant player. Yes he caught a lot of passes/TD's, but I wonder what Reed's stats would have been if he had a young Randy Moss opposite him. Hell, if Eric Moulds would have become the player he was a little earlier in his career how much would have Reed's stats grown. RAC, should have stood for Reed After Catch. That's how he made his mark and the only player that was comparable to him was the great Jerry Rice. Andre changed the game as a slot receiver and I'm disappointed that he is not in the HOF.

  11. ?? Tippett was an absolutely dominating player. I'll restate what I hinted at earlier. Reed was a very good player, but he was the fourth best player on that offense.

    Tell that to Bill Parcells and the 90 Giants. His defensive game plan was to"STOP ANDRE REED"!!! Besides Thurman who was better than Andre offensively?

  12. what??? their success was based on andre reed??? i beg to differ...i believe it was based more on kelly being able to run the offense and thurman thomas. andre reed has even admitted that he was not the first, not the second but the 3rd option on the team. was jerry rice montana or youngs 3rd option? was chris carter the 3rd option? i think not

    Cris Carter had other receiving threats on his team like Anthony Carter, Jake Reed, and Randy Moss during his tenure that had a comparable amount of receptions for the Vikings. After Andre Reed, Thurman Thomas had the most receptions on the team. After Jerry Rice, Andre Reed was the most feared wideout in the NFL in the late 80's early 90's. As far as a standout game for Andre, how soon do we forget "the greatest comeback in NFL history." The Bills overcame the biggest deficit in NFL history without two of their HOF players, Jim Kelly and Thurman Thomas. I don't recall defensive coordinators going into a game against the Vikings saying that they have to stop Cris Carter. Buddy Ryan said it best when he said "all he does is catch touchdowns." Andre Reed was clearly a more dominant WR than Cris Carter and if he gets in before Andre it would be a miscarriage of justice.

  13. I really do like threads like this. It gives us a chance to be be "right" and have some fun.

    Oviously, this is what I predict, not what I want. I qualify my prediction in that if a safety shoots up the board, Dick Levy will take him instead of Davis.


    Berry woud serve us like Jeffcoat did back in the day. He will be a situational player for starters pay, but he is decent.

    Or how Art Still was to a young Bruce Smith , Bertrand would be for Everette Brown.

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