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Solomon Grundy

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Everything posted by Solomon Grundy

  1. I’d like to see if any of the trade prospects from other teams will be active players this week
  2. They have a weak schedule the rest of the way too I’d rather my chances against Tannehill
  3. If Bills and Titans have similar records at end of season, won’t Titans have tie breaker?
  4. Anyone else notice how KC CBs are playing Titans WRs? Not playing off. Tight at line of scrimmage
  5. Chandler, I think Kelly was still a better thrower of the football. Jim threw some beautiful deep passes and was precision like with the intermediate throws. Kelly definitely suffered with his athleticism. I just wish the Bills could build an offensive line somewhat comparable to Jim's to see Josh's total abilities.
  6. The Bills had the lead in that game and would've met the Rams had Porter did his damn job and stayed in his lane. I would've preferably kicked in out of the end zone and made them go 80 yards. So I blame both Porter and whoever decided to give them the opportunity to return the kickoff
  7. I think we can hold on at TE position until Knox return by using Davis/Sweeney. I’d like to add RB, OL, CB. Norwell would probably be the most difficult to acquire, but it seems that Fuller and Sanders have worn out their welcome on their respective teams
  8. I love Rex…on ESPN. His podcast with his blowhard partner in crime, Bart Scott is hilarious
  9. The guy in Philly don’t use Miles Daboll likes to go back and replicate plays from Bills past a la Pittsburgh game 4th and 1. Why won’t he go back to Kelly era Bills and see how successfully they ran the screen pass with Thurman? Utilized him as a passing threat?
  10. At least the Bills had trouble stopping the league’s best RB
  11. Personally, the injury concern would worry me. I’d prefer inquiring about Miles. He was considered Saquan 2.0 at Penn State
  12. Sanders is 15 lbs heavier, with the ability to run in between and outside the tackles. Sanders has displayed the ability to gain yards behind a porous offensive line. IMO, Miles Sanders is an upgrade. Or S.H.I.T.S That’s Tommy Sweeney
  13. Only for the bus to be tackled by Dion Dawkins😎 I want a Super Bowl win and I want it now! Keep the cash/money 😎
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