On Knox, R-E-L-A-X!! He's being a DAWG right now!! Diggs said Knox was going through some things. He's still showing up for work and producing when his number is called.
I've yet to see anyone invite @Adamb412and family to participate in their tailgate yet!! Unfortunately I work on Sundays now, but I'd show them the BuffLove if I was tailgating. IJS.
Didn't Darrell Henderson play in that game too? Also throughout the broadcast the announcers kept saying although the backs aren't really gaining any yards, the Rams have to keep running to have that threat.
Wow!! There's a bunch of holier than thou folks on here. Can a person reform? Has Hunt been in any trouble since? I know I've done some stupid things in my life that I learned from and made me a better person. Hence the name Solomon Grundy