Don't expect any objectivity on Lindy Ruff on GR either. I guess the station plans to roast the Coach at function. Now, since this event is being planned in part for profit and station promotion, do you honestly expect an unbiased opinion of Ruff's performance by the hosts? ( I for one think Lindy does well for what he has to work with)
I actually find Schoop more digestable when he's solo. Another poster put it right when he said Bulldog adds nothing. The problem is that they have four main voices three of which suck, and another that is passable only when his partner has off. They recycle these four all throughout local talk (with the ad naseum apperences by Roby and Hamilton) balanced only by the truly unlistenable Cowheard (who fits GR like a glove), Rome (love him or hate him), and a cast of second stringers who get unexplainable airtime (probably because they work for $7 an hour).
The only solution as I see it is for Entercom to sell it off, and have the staff and that idiot who programs it fired.
Or as Phil Leotardo said so eloquently in the "Blue Comet" episode:"We decapitate and do business with what's left"