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Chief Loves Bills

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  1. I’m from Saratoga Springs where Tony went to high school before playing at Notre Dame. He’s very close with a few buddies in my friend group and I get to see him occasionally when he comes back. Great, great guy. Funny, smart, and loves wearing hats that say Samoan because many people don’t know he is. He knows his football and will give his all against Josh and Company. it won’t work. 🤣 But he’ll try!
  2. I use McDermott's Clap
  3. I thought Trent Edwards just needed more time. 🙄
  4. This is me exactly. Mets in the World Series? I'll watch a couple games. Sabres in the finals? Maybe the last game. What is the NBA? NFL? I'll skip my grandmother's funeral to watch the Bills!
  5. Great question that I haven't seen asked. We probably won't know until (if ever) we learn what "coordinator" means. I don't think he's calling the plays so does he build a plan for the week and Daboll picks plays from that strategy but at the same time that doesn't mean anything for the run game? Seems confusing.
  6. Defense-adjusted Value Over Average. I had to look it up as well.
  7. Interestingly enough, it was the others who jumped in and mentioned Herbert, Murray, and Jackson as equal or better options. Later, some clown called in and said Trey Lance. Bro…can we get a snap or two first? Yikes.
  8. When asked on Keyshawn, JWill, and Max this morning on whom he would choose to start an expansion franchise (without Mahomes as an option), Moon chose Josh. Says his ceiling is higher than the others and his strength and size makes him a better choice than the others mentioned, Herbert and Lamar. Even though some of us—me being one of them—have some trepidations on Josh’s early performances this year, it’s great to hear Hall of Famers still ringing the Allen bell.
  9. Let me add a bit more or clarity. Can’t speak for anyone else that feels like I do but as for me: 1. I’m not complaining and I’m not spoiled. I was born in Buffalo and a fan since 1987. 2. I’m comparing Josh to the current standard, not against general numbers. Of course we won and of course he did okay, but that isn’t the point. The point is ALL of us are thinking this team is a SB contender and Josh needs to be great for that to happen with Mahomes in the way. 3. It’s not because it’s early. Take a look at Herbert, Dak, Mahomes, Brady, Murray…their numbers are very good. Very efficient. Again, not saying Josh is done or will stink up the joint all season. I’m simply saying, he isn’t playing like he did last year. Yes, we will see how the next few weeks play out. Yes, it may mean nothing and he can win MVP. None of us know, all I’m saying is I’m concerned. That’s all.
  10. I rarely post because I most enjoy reading and learning but this topic has me frustrated. I get it, it’s two games and we can’t draw season-long conclusions with such little data. However, call it a feeling, Josh just doesn’t look the same. He’s missing what he made last year. He threw two lobs today that very easily could have been picked. I know we won and overall it was a nice road win. Defense was outstanding today. I’m thinking ahead, thinking division and playoffs because we are good enough to do that this early in the year but the Josh we have seen these last couple games isn’t going to cut it against good teams. I love Josh and I’m not saying anything silly like “it’s over” or “Josh isn’t the guy.” Nowhere near that sentiment. Just a little concerned.
  11. Well said and a solid assessment. This is another way of stating what Coach McDermott said weeks ago: they are planning/playing for now AND the future in the best way they can.
  12. Heard this on the way to work this morning... https://twitter.com/GolicAndWingo/status/948899521832079365
  13. If it wins, I'm glad to have been of service as well, in a small way.
  14. Hey all. I just wanted to take a quick second to share my Bills story from today to demonstrate how this weekend's win is having an effect all over. Since the team finally ended the drought, I decided I am going to wear Bills gear all week at work to show my support and piss off my coworkers, all of whom are either Jets or Giants fans. When I walked into Chipotle for lunch and ordered my usual, I found myself standing in front of the cashier when I heard a boisterous yet jovial man yelling from behind the meat counter: "this one is on me....Go Bills!!!!". The cashier looked at me rather puzzled, shrugged her shoulders, and sent me on my way. I thanked them profusely and headed for the door. As I walked to my car I started thinking: did Coach Mcdermott just buy me lunch? Depending on how you look at it, he may just have. Enjoy the week all and remember— Bills love is everywhere!
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