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Everything posted by EasternOHBillsFan

  1. Love Canal is like the tip of the iceberg... if you Google it, you will see stories of a spill or the past dumping, but nothing of what is already in the ground. I am far from a conspiracy theorist, far, far from it, but there is a concerted effort to cover up the continued presence of underground chemicals to include dioxin and carbon tetrachloride. One of these days, the chemicals will leak (if they have not already) into the ground water and/or the Niagara River, and suddenly people will get sick again like Love Canal and not know why. Look how close the Niagara Falls Power Plant Extension and Visitors Center is to the Hooker Hyde Park Site full of dioxin, etc.
  2. It killed my father, and so your comparison is spot on, even though you were attempting to be humorous. https://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=en&msa=0&msid=116451584493114731934.00044764d31ab20bbaf46&ll=43.105244,-79.003029&spn=0.087731,0.180244&z=12&source=embed That's Niagara Falls, NY in my mind, and it always will be.
  3. I want people who are unbiased and humorous... Gus Johnson Tom Jackson Marcellus Wiley
  4. The numbers say it is a pretty significant drop-off, considering the Giants offense versus our offense. I can't tell you the last time we had two receivers that caught for over 1,000 yards!!! I'm optimistic, but I'm also a realist. We don't have a playoff WR corps right now, but T.J. Graham could prove me wrong!
  5. Joey Harrington, Miami, the Raiders... not exactly places any WR would shine in.
  6. The receivers made him, and it is very obvious judging my his numbers... he wouldn't throw so many INTs if he was the man. I mean, look at the Tyree catch... that is Eli's career in a nutshell. If Fitz had those receivers and he was healthy, we would have made the playoffs. We just can't seem to draft a WR worth a damn... aside from Eric Moulds, Lee Evans and Andre Reed, we have failed- BIG time failed.
  7. It helps when you have receivers such as Burress, Hicks, Manningham and Cruz... Fitz has enjoyed no such advantage.
  8. Can he be? Sure. Will he be? I'm not so sure... we still don't have enough quality offensive talent to make that determination based upon his past record, and if he was an upper echelon QB now he would elevate the play of his teammates. I doubt Fitz is capable of doing this if his accuracy problems and nagging injury problems continue.
  9. I'm right there with you, man!!!!! 1992 hurts deep, even today. Losing 2 out of three from the fn Brewers and then the Reds sweep the Cards? BS.....
  10. They should put this on their helmets and merchandise to boost sales... http://cdn2.sbnation.com/fan_shot_images/16157/dolphinschick.jpg
  11. Well, the fascist oligarchs (aka the corporations in power over our politicians) accepted their profit opportunities a long time ago, and they stem from Chinese workers.
  12. Their answer is instead of keeping manufacturers here or making it profitable, they put the hammer down on people BUYING the Chinese goods. They have it all bass ackwards!
  13. I always remember the picture of him on the sideline, helmet off and bald, with the blood on his head... hard to forget it. I would have recognized him, but I'm old.
  14. When Disney took over, what did you expect? Same old crap they have been spewing out since Eisner.
  15. Or playing a team that isn't even going to be in the Olympics...!
  16. I worked in an NFL shop in the early 1990's, and a man and his friend came into look around. He saw the helmets cased on top of the displays, and mentioned he had played in the NFL. I asked him what it was like, and who he was- at this time he seemed to be a little slow and showed signs of playing the game in an era before advanced helmet protection. He turned out to be Clarence "Ace" Parker, a legend in the 30's and 40's. Now, this man who seemed to be affected by the NFL is STILL the oldest living NFL HOFer, amazingly now 100 years old. http://www.oldestlivingprofootball.com/oldestlivingproplayers.htm Where is Ralph Wilson on the list? At 93 he is 15th for pro football and 3rd for the HOF, and still going! What an amazing list.
  17. Lombardi got rid of the players that didn't give a damn, and I know that story. We are talking about ONE player who is pretty worthless in situations that actually matter, and Lombardi would have gotten rid of him in a second. You can't make that comparison because in order to save the team, he had to lop off the cancerous parts, and we did that when Maybin went bye-bye.
  18. Be careful, don't criticize him too much- he might take all his toys and go home.
  19. I had to go down to the International Paper store and buy a copy of the Buffalo News to get any in-depth Bills coverage. After that, there was the alt.sports.buffalo.bills net server. After the internet began, there was the Rochester Democrat & Chronicle site, and then soon after TBD. That's how important TBD is!!!!! Yeah, I'm old.
  20. Eric Moulds and Takeo Spikes didn't... they were from the Deep South... Josh Reed has the problem, not anyone else.
  21. No matter what he takes, no matter what he presses, no matter what he runs, his mental abilities will always be a hindrance. We're very lucky to have guys like Merriman and Barnett who GET IT and are mentally prepared week in and week out.
  22. He was just stupid, obviously... chalk it up to someone not recognizing an obvious move.
  23. Gotcha... but the numbers that do count show a lack of TE use that hurts us going forward- imagine the plays we can run if you scrap the wildcat and trick play nonsense (save the end around with Graham possibly?) and more use of the TEs.
  24. I prefer another name... I call him Number 90, because he loves it so much.
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