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Boom Jam

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Everything posted by Boom Jam

  1. I enjoyed reading that - thanks.
  2. What about that gunned down high school football coach? Can we add him in there too?
  3. The Triumph video was the first thing I thought of when I heard the news.
  4. I got my Siberian when she was five, and as much as I love her I will never take on someone else's dog again. I would never recommend adoption to anyone other than an experienced dog owner because it isn't easy. That being said, I've learned an awful lot from owning her.
  5. Why do you guys revel in the fact that Bush and McCain weren't conservative enough for the right, but defend your guy from attacks from your own side?
  6. I laughed my ass off through the entire segment, and not just the beginning. Bush was my guy, and I still laughed when Maher was ripping him toward the end because it was not unfounded criticism. Maher has a point, and that is whether you agreed with Bush's policies or not you always knew that Bush was going to do what he said (or mis-said when trying to convey his message) he was going to do. Obama on the other hand, well, your defense of him in this thread speaks volumes about you and the guy you voted for.
  7. Our Values will keep us safe.
  8. Sidewinder - immediately obvious from the pic and the thing weighs all of 90 lbs. or something like that. It probably fell from a wingtip of an aircraft either out of Pensacola or Corpus Christi. I think the fish the dude caught weighed more... If this was a joke then I agree with Tom. It was a bad one.
  9. I have no idea what to make of your post Kelly. What background info am I missing here man?
  10. Third time's a charm -
  11. Osiraq is destroyed by the Israelis. Raid on the Reactor 1 of 5 Raid on the Reactor 2 of 5 Raid on the Reactor 3 of 5 Raid on the Reactor 4 of 5 Raid on the Reactor 5 of 5
  12. Yeah, that's it.
  13. A half-naked whackjob that hung himself in a country that specializes in perversion. What a legacy for the twisted Hollywood types to somehow deem heroic.
  14. Damn. All this time and my money was on Lester. Damn again...
  15. I didn't read this, but wanted to add it to your discussion. It was sent to me by my uncle who is a retired airline pilot. Air France Flight 447: A detailed meteorological analysis
  16. You gotta love douchebags like this. So you have no opinion on what happened, yet you're posting in this thread anyway right? Brilliant.
  17. Obama speech writers too: "We uphold our fundamental principles and values not just because we choose to, but because we swear to -- not because they feel good, but because they help keep us safe." How EFFing delusional can one be?
  18. Haven't you ever found it interesting that neanderthal man 'died out' right at the same time that cro-magnon man started to get rolling?
  19. Bible thumper? No, I'm one of the few around here who believes the universe is teaming with life, and intelligent life at that. I firmly believe that neanderthal man is the 'evolutionary' descendant of homo erectus. Do I believe that modern humans 'evolved' from homo erectus? No. I think it would have taken too many random cosmic rays to the gonads to go from homo erectus to us. So how did we become modern humans? I haven't the slightest clue yet, but I am positive we didn't 'evolve' from homo erectus. Something else happened along the way. What exactly happened? Your guess is as good as mine, but there are some intriguing theories out there.
  20. Bigfoot mystery solved.
  21. Science is going to be hard pressed to complete the evolutionary lineage between neanderthal man and modern humans, and that's because there isn't one.
  22. Disclaimer - I love this movie, and this scene.
  23. 1) Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is the uncle of Ramzi Yousef, mastermind of the WTC 1 bombing. 2) Ramzi Yousef was also the mastermind of the foiled Bojinka Plot. The article states that KSM was in on it too for those of you who didn't bother reading it. 3) Sunni Baluchis and Iraq have had historically strong ties - especially during the Iran/ Iraq war. 4) Ramzi Yousef entered the United States with an Iraqi passport. 5) Ironically enough the WTC 1 bombing occurred on the second anniversary of the liberation of Kuwait in the first U.S.-led war with Iraq. 6) Congressman Rohrabacher's Report raises some astonishing questions surrounding OKC. 7) It's a shame that Timothy McVeigh wasn't waterboarded before his rushed execution. We may have gotten a few leads, and learned some things. Instead we got vengeance against a single individual. Small world, isn't it?
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