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Everything posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. Smith/(new backup)/Nassib in '13 Smith will not be a Niner after this season Fitz needs to go somewhere else to be a backup TJax for backup? Apparently a year may just be enough to learn the playbook. Kid coming out of the Cuse has a lot of raw tools for grooming. Should be there for us in 3rd.
  2. Look, I can only enjoy shooting fish in a barrel for so long before it gets boring. Enjoy the paranoia. It's sad though..." Almost as sad as your small minded state of denial. Fish in a barrel? I'm waiting for you to make a single salient argument other than twisting words and trying to insult me - ya, you're crushing this. And what's this "we" and "us" thing with you, do you need others to chime in for your big finish? "Everyone already knows everything you have listed from this guy's book--yet none of the calamities (dropping ratings, lost viewers, plummeting team valuations) you said would result from the public being aware have happened. None." Exactly....Why was that? Because people don't care as you say? Or because the evidence was destroyed, the investigation was minimal, the case went open and shut, the press and the networks went to sleep, the punishment was kept minimal and the titles stayed in new england? You seriously don't understand the difference at this point??? Cant help you with that part anymore. "I assumed the owners were meeting regularly because you insist the pats are still cheating and that the other owners tolerate as they did in the past. Since you have yet to describe how this currently goes down in the NFL, I made the only inference possible from your theory. " Nice backpedal! And again with the same strawman! Where and when did I claim that I had PROOF of how they are doing this? The book presents the patriots system in full detail - the one they were caught with. The same system with more sophisticated camera work (in their home stadium) is what the Author postulates could be in use today. Theres also layers of statistical support around the idea tha tit may have never stopped in their park. There is also a quote from the person that took part in the system by filming opposing coordinators hand signals using a hidden camera that the system is still in effect "about half as much as it used to be". None of this is my conjecture -this is all written. Oh, yes, except the exact step by step method complete with pictures and small worded explanations that they are using to spy on the opposition today....which you apparently have to have because you apparently have not a drop of critical thinking available to you. Look, everyone knows they cheated. Obviously most people don't care because none of your doomsday scenarios for the public "finding out" came true. This book has and will change none of that Doomsday scenarios? You don't think those owners **** bricks and needed to make this thing die fast? They have all lived long enough to see what could happen when the public loses faith/interest in your product because they know its corrupt.....ever hear of boxing?? Once again, I just found the book to be unbelievably eye-opening. If you like your world as-is, no worries. Leave it be, you'll always be right in your world. I'm sensing you really have a deep need to reject it and you really went to great lengths to attempt to do so. The part you are missing, and keep insisting to strawman, is that this is not my research, the author did it. Maybe you should e-mail him and ask him for all the proof you require. He may, and don't get mad, ask you if you have read the book because my guess is that he's going to be able to tell you haven't And if none of this were true, past present and all, this Author would be subject to one HELL of a libel suit, so far it looks like nobody has tried. (Warning - critical thinking required)
  3. . YES the owners did meet after the story broke in 2007. Nobody ever refuted that. You are saying that I am asserting or the book is asserting that they meet EVERY YEAR and decide tgether to specifically LET THE PATS CHEAT so the integrity of the game remains intact. Thats not a strawman? Heres the definition and yes this is exactly what you continue to do: A straw man, also known in the UK as an Aunt Sally,[1][2] is a type of argument and is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position.[3] To "attack a straw man" is to create the illusion of having refuted a proposition by replacing it with a superficially similar yet unequivalent proposition (the "straw man"), and to refute it, without ever having actually refuted the original position. Your second quote was convenieltly cut from another users post but that too does not state that year after year the owners get together and say let the pats cheat. That says that after the scandal broke....the next season was crucial to the integrity of the game that the Pats do not appear weak after getting caught as it would lend more creedence to the idea that their dynasy was built on cheating. Again, not even close to what you are saying. They (the owners) did in 2007 decide to go no further with the investigation, destroy the evidence and move along quietly. In short, the owners tolerated cheating in 2007 because if they did not, the dirty details would all be made public and it would destroy the publics view of the game. Fact. Still doesnt support your accusation/point. I keep saying read the book because your taking a position that it up to me to provide you with evidence....why do I need to give you the background when it's all there for you to read? Once you have all the details of how they cheated in the first place, then we could have a much better debate on why they could be doing it today. I'll buy you a copy if you promise to read it. Otherwise this is a pointless waste of time. You want to discredit me for pointing you to what is already in the public domain and you are doing so by misrepresenting what I am saying and attacking the misrepresentation (see the definition of strawman). If you want to keep going, be my guest. But really, this is pointless
  4. You show me where I said the book has in it that the owners meet every year and allow the Patriots to cheat in order to maintain the integrity of the game. your words....your strawman.
  5. No. It becomes a waste of time when I am communicating to someone who will continue to remain unconvinced no matter what. 2007 was when they were caught. Nope - just started out saying that as a Bills fan that has watched our team get smashed in the face by Tom Brady's dik for their entire "dynasty", its a very very interesting and revealing read.
  6. lol. The pathology coming from you is truly special as well. If you don't care (or just refuse) to learn the details of how they originally cheated by reading the book, then it's my job to show you how they're still doing it? And you think you've made some kind of valid argument over something you aren't even close to informed about? Not my job to inform you and it would be a waste of time. You have shot the messenger and averted having to consider anything that takes you out of your comfort zone. Because of that, the Pats are not cheating anymore. wow.
  7. Johnny Gold.....you are true blue man. It's a labor of love.
  8. Shortcomings? What a freaking headcase you are. I'm simply saying to you, as a Bills fan, to read a book. You mad bro? You feel better shooting the messenger? Your world make sense now? People care, they just aren't fully informed. Those that become informed by this book, as you can see on this thread, care big time. Which do you think is in the best interests of the NFL...informed? or not informed? This is freaking hysterical...You havent read the book yet! You who needs 5 layers of proof for your strawmen arguments, are now in possession of the reasons why all of America isn't running for this book. Except that you haven't read the book. ok then. Show me one promotion for it outside of the Author's podcast on this thread. My view is backward when 3 SB's have been tainted and many games continue to be tainted...wow. You scared? Your NFL not what you think it is? LOL. Read the book or don't bother contributing your shite posts to this thread. We are way off the original thought intended for this thread. You're a waste of time. Lot of denial around here. Be careful.
  9. Because all life fits your world view or else its garbage right? There is never a conspiracy in any walk of life worth writing about because, by it being a conspiracy, it's not worth promoting? Only the truth is promoted? Go back to sleep man. Wow. You keep making those straw men....if it makes you feel better. Don't read the book or anything. "A lot of conspiracy books don't get a lot of marketing. The reasons are obvious." - there's sound logic and a pointed argument.
  10. Nassib is a great pick 3/4....develop him under whatever veteran we bring in. Not Fitz.
  11. I wouldn't put a thing past Carroll.....the way he fled the trouble at USC. It was scary how fast and the manner in which he dropped and ran.
  12. So you are saying that the NFL did such a great job of presenting the facts to the media and fan base that everyone went home satisfied - integrity restored? This was a natural progression huh? The league Commissioner ordered the evidence destroyed, fact. The owners met behind closed doors and the consensus was to damage control the hell out of this thing. Why? Right there Al Davis and Ralph could have held it all up and protested, A-hole Jerry Jones too. These men are business men first fans second. As you would expect from a group of 30 buisnessmen threatened to lose a fortune, they agreed to make it go away. Why? - because it was big enough that the collateral damage from a full blown investigation/media circus would extend into irreperable damage to their franchises and the integrity of the game - the national passtime. Nothing scares the sht out of owners like loss of profits and if you couple that with the erosion of the principal and the basis for their profits, and these guys will do anything for that not to happen. These men have monster ego's and I truly think their minds were blown as to the science of what was being perpetrated - they didn't want egg on their own faces publicly that the game extended into areas they couldn't conceive. Throw in the power of the television networks that pay the NFL a gajillion dollars a year for the rights to broadcast their product and make 100X that on advertising, throw in the many other businesses build off and around the NFL etc etc. Basically, its a juggernaut that prints money for a lot of powerful people. The NFL is one of the only American businesses that is free from anticompetitve laws....they are a LEGAL monopoly. This comes from the government. Now you're a singular player, coach or investigative reporter.....and you feel that something isn't right.....and you want to do something about it.....you're taking on the weight and full force of all that I mention above....you better have your ducks in a row, legally speaking. Oh, and I hope you didn't have any career aspirations - because you're done and the media is ruining you. Now that there's a "precedent" and punishment was delivered, you also would have insurmountable reasonable doubt to contend with. Basically nobody but the league and the government has the means to make a case and have it even considered. Why would they? Bravo to those that did try, as well as the Author. Mr Weo - do you see this mans book being promoted in any way shape or form other than some word of mouth? Did a major publisher back his book? I bought the thing off the Authors website, there is no marketing machine behind it. Its' not on any display tables at Barnes and Noble. I can't even get you to pick up the book...where is this widespread distribution? Are you saying that if the entire NFL fanbase read this book, they wouldn't change the way they view the sport because I cant tell you why Jerry Jones didn't protest loudly? On the contrary, it's a pretty convincing book but those that stand to lose are also those that would do the promoting. Media is pure conglomerate....those that own the networks are part of the same companies that own radio, print and billboards...if they don't want something in the forefront, they ignore it. If they don't pay attention to it, it goes away. That's what the media and the league have adopted as the stance on spygate. They can now say, hey we looked into that....punished those involved, and we moved on. And most of us did move on - funny how that happens. Like steroids right? Nobody uses steroids anymore because there were investigations, people got caught....integrity restored? The truth is you roll the dice when you take roids....and players get caught all the time. The league calls it "substance abuse policy" so they dont have to use the names of the drugs and hurt the fans. I think the rampant cheating and owner conspiracy that you say I am alluding to is way more subtle than that.....and its called "home field advantage".....everyone knows there are certain factors outside of travel that contribute to a HFA. Are home teams blatantly running around with cameras in the practices and putting huge boom microphones in the sky boxes? no....the same way that A-Rod isn't pulling out a fukng needle in the middle of Yankee Stadium and shooting roids in his ass. But clearly, he's grown into a brick house from a wiry kid and hits the hell out of the ball (well, used to). Why isn't the Red Sox manager up in arms every time the Yanks beat them - knowing that ARod is using roids? It's accepted and tolerated among those inside the game - to a degree. Like HFA. Everyone's HFA is different....and some may roll the dice in certain ways. Others, like the Pats have raised it to an art form. Gillette carries a HFA for the Pats that mathmatically challenges reality. Peyton Manning wouldn't discuss the game in the locker room there...he held his conversations with his OC in the tunnel. Remember, they got caught cheating at an away game (Jets). Ballsy stuff when you read all that needs to happen without a hitch. The risk factor goes down 1000x in their home park, their rules, their security, their structure. They also have Ernie Adams. They have a literal genius/spook behind it all that can split second call a play to exploit the defensive signal that he just stole and decoded. I think if another team wanted to do it like the Pats do, the door is open - roll the dice. Do you have someone that sophisticated with X's and O's? Is your "system" refined and matured like theirs? Do you have the perfect system QB? Can you trust all of those involved not to tell? Is your Coach considered elite otherwise? Is your owner ass buddy's with the Commissioner like Kraft? I think one hair is out of place and your risk factors go to infinity. Do people hate them, yes. Players coaches and owners probably cant stand them. maybe even the Commissioner too....dont know. But does their hate for them outrun your love for those royalty checks? Who ***** in their own fluffy white perfect bed? If you pursue pure justice, you do so at the risk of EVERYTHING. So, they have to rely on those that make and enforce the rules and field their teams, play the games in spite of some doubt. They have to trust that if something was so skewed, it would present itself and justice would be served. This author is postulating that something is skewed still but everyone that can do something about it is either in denial or accepting it as part of the game. The kid that once held the camera said it when asked if it's still being done - "about half as much" was his answer. HFA.
  13. Wanny's specialty is LB's...... Sure, why not.
  14. Read the book dude. Don't create strawmen arguments so you can feel better by having shot the messenger. Read the book. I'm not going to reduce this to name calling.
  15. Have you read the book? I would love to engage you in this conversation but, until you have read it, we will not be coming from the same place so it is fruitless. The colts had a fast track at home and a track star WR with the best field general of all time at QB, not a system fraud QB getting the answers to the test piped into his helmet. I do not know those odds for one loss seasons at home but I do know that, after 0 losses, the odds change drastically. zero losses 5 times is like 4 standard devitations away from the all-time averages. Basically unheard of. How are they still able to do it? I say read the book so you know how they were once able to do it before getting caught and admitting to doing it. From there you will see how they can possibly do whatever they would like in their home park. Owners have billion dollar valued assets that net them tens to hundreds of millions of dollars in revenue per year as that asset appreciates.....find me another investment that return like that. It all rests on the integrity of the game. Would you watch if you knew it was corrupt? Would you buy jerseys and pay big $ at stadiums? I would guess that there is a certain amount of this going on with all teams but the Pats brought it to a science and arrogantly I might add (no coordinators). Nobody wants to fuk with the golden goose so I think theres denial and willful ignorance going on. Just my thought. Or maybe they're on to an even more sophisticated method. Something reeks though. The media gets ridiculous money from advertising because football is the most watched thing on tv year in/out. If people lose faith, off go the tv's.....hows Bud Light going to know theyre hitting millions of men 21+ with their idiotic beer commercials if the ratings suck? Players are bound by certain media rules of their teams and the league. If Kurt Warner went out independantly to the press and screamed foul play after their SB loss, the media would just spin him as a maniac, he would get fined by the team and the league etc etc..... To do this right, you have to have an investigation and bring it about procedurally using the law. Arlan Spechter was doing that right after the Eagles SB loss to the Pats. I would guess all he was doing was making noise to get the league to wire him a monster amount of hush money to the Caymans.....but thats just me. In any event THEY DESTROYED THE EVIDENCE - and it was Goodell who ordered it destroyed. He saw the films and "Get rid of it" was his demand. Read the book - 3 SB's were played and decided while this system was in full effect.
  16. Good stuff my man! Thanks for posting this! They may have been allowed to do this...my goal is to get the asterisk in the history books on every one of their records. The book is a difference maker! spread the word!!!!!
  17. Love the red-headed Pennsylvania kid that played at the 'Cuse. Has a lot of the tools. These are the smart decisions that the bills should but do not make. We all know we are small market and we all know that we are not a prime destination for sought-after players and coaches. The BEST thing we can do to help combat that is, when available, to bring in as many skilled players that know/understand the area as possible. Example: Gronk was a gift wrapped to us from God....a WNY kid that grew up a Bills fan...monster talent....we needed a TE.....and we still F'd that up. I question whether or not the FO even grasps this concept at all. Instead, we will reach for an SEC guy with the same caliber skill-set that has never lived a day in his life north of North Carolina or east of Denver. There are other factors in play when these guys move away from their comfort zones.....a team of Bama/LSU transplants does not lend itself to long-term bonding with the area/fan base. Doubtful our GM even considers this. Love this kid in the 3rd/4th- as our 2nd QB of the draft.....my guess is he doesnt last that long.
  18. Is there any doubt as to what needs to be done?
  19. ' Love it. Another LB in 3 Nassib in 4 I want 2 QBs
  20. What is this prevailing wisdom on this board that HC's with SB appearances are only good enough to MAYBE be our coordinators/??? This is why we are a laughing stock. We have a dysfunctional ownership situation here, we hold 2/7 offsuit and act like its aces.
  21. Anyone that reads the book will truly understand what a fraud the entire Pats dynasty/mystique really is. The Flutie thing was so telling. Agreed on the first Pats game this year....it was a surreal turnaround. Even by the TV-drama dominated NFL of today....that game was spooky how they flipped a switch and killed us after falling behind by multiple TD's...too easy to just say the Bills quit.
  22. THANK YOU!!!!! Finally someone else read it! When the author lays out the odds of a team having 5 undefeated @ home seasons in 11 years! - clear as day - they still cheat. The league/owners/media all agreed to make this go away. Truthfully, it was more than enough to ruin the integrity of the game in the fans eyes.....and that means a massive loss of profits. Spread the word - I hope I live to see Hoodie/Brady and that arrogant Kraft completely stripped of every accolade they "earned".
  23. If we have the shot at Te'o - you HAVE to... The next ILB in the draft is a BIG step down. Elite ILB's are RARE (Harry Carson, Singletary, Ray Lewis, Seau....MAYBE Urlacher) Thats 5 in my lifetime compared to 100s of very good QBs
  24. To each his own man...
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