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Posts posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000120457/article/tony-romo-dallas-cowboys-should-part-ways-after-latest-loss


    How do you value a guy like this (Top 5 arm, big numbers, Into his 30's, big game track record)? Keep in mind what the asinine Raiders paid for Carson Palmer.


    Would this be a suitable guy to have as we develop the next QB underneath?


    I think you have a nice 3-4 years with Romo. New spot, smaller market, less pressure.


    I think we're a 10 win team with Romo this minute.


    Big arm, mobility, throwing on the run. Paired with our backs and OL.


    Do you give up our 1 this year straight up for Romo?

  2. Nix is a decent scout. He is an incompetent team builder. That is the problem. It takes more than being a good scout to be a GM. Why don't fans (and owners) understand this? You need to hire the right coaches. You need to fill the right positions (like, say, QB, linebacker). You need to have plans and strategies, and backup plans and strategies in case your initial plans and strategies don't work.


    Nix is 70, but he is a first time GM and it shows. He might as well be 30 years old in terms of his GM acumen. He has proven that he can acquire talent (although he has had his share of misses, to be sure). He also has succeeded in changing the culture within OBD, which is under-appreciated by the fans.


    He has failed miserably at almost everything else involved in being a GM.



  3. I have zero problem with the organization going through this process. Most of the top coordinators who are candidates for head coaching postions aren't even available yet for interviews as they are in the playoffs! And if there is a big name coach out there willing to get back into it, he is not going to jump into a new job without checking out the market first unless he is already set on a particular team. I know it is asking a lot in this instant gratification society, but be patient and let the process work.


    I agree with you but.....The early PR game is as integral to being strategic about this as anything else. Teams with a plan are already making noise.

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