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Everything posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. They needed to do this......to attract a top tier coaching candidate and put the FA market on notice. This will now quell all of the Ralph stuff that may have prevented other top tier HC's from coming on board.
  2. Where's the local recruiter's office.....my nation needs me!
  3. Signed for one more season......Dallas was talking extension mid-season. 2013: 11.5 Mil with an 18.5 Cap#
  4. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap1000000120457/article/tony-romo-dallas-cowboys-should-part-ways-after-latest-loss How do you value a guy like this (Top 5 arm, big numbers, Into his 30's, big game track record)? Keep in mind what the asinine Raiders paid for Carson Palmer. Would this be a suitable guy to have as we develop the next QB underneath? I think you have a nice 3-4 years with Romo. New spot, smaller market, less pressure. I think we're a 10 win team with Romo this minute. Big arm, mobility, throwing on the run. Paired with our backs and OL. Do you give up our 1 this year straight up for Romo?
  5. Marty should be all over the Cleveland opening...they love them some Martyball there! Bring back Bernie Kosar while you're at it.....where are my parachute pants and Van Halen Cassettes?
  6. TRU....and good positioning in the draft to boot.
  7. BUM!!!!!!! - go hold Jimmy Johnson's teleprompter at Fox....and try to feed off him one last time.
  8. Beware: I smell a "see.....we tried" situation..... So that when they hire the ass end of the hot list, we can say......well they DID go after Chip Kelly
  9. "New and healthy" for this franchise does not include this hick's rhetoric and catch phrasing in his pressers around his utter FAILURE.
  10. Why God.......WHY??????? Oh I know why, so we can whiff on more shtbag defensive players and not draft obvious QB's with upside.....and Gronks.
  11. Yeah but, what about her MOM? ;-)
  12. Is it me or does Matt look like hes snarling at the Cameraman through clenched teeth to take the f-ing picture already
  13. Has a really hot Mom/Sister http://www.google.com/imgres?um=1&hl=en&client=firefox-a&sa=N&tbo=d&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1440&bih=780&tbm=isch&tbnid=qX0As6cDwKDPbM:&imgrefurl=http://www.trojancandy.com/201111.htm&docid=v3-TSvJyWzKEdM&imgurl=http://www.trojancandy.com/2011/mbarkley2.jpg&w=800&h=600&ei=yPvhUMLHEaq20QGgooDACQ&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=104&vpy=123&dur=3559&hovh=194&hovw=259&tx=183&ty=114&sig=116114136054658600455&page=1&tbnh=132&tbnw=171&start=0&ndsp=34&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:93 I still don't want him here....but....damn!
  14. Give us the #2 slot for the draft!
  15. I'ver heard of him! Get'r done.....eh........Russ?
  16. Thanks! oh and WTF?!?!?!?!?!
  17. Best of luck to you Chan. Now, on to better things for us..... (we hope)
  18. -Google "NFL Scores" -Click the "+ Show More Games" link Is it my computer or is EVERY other NFL score listed from yesterday but ours? How does that even happen? I was going to go to our box score and couldn't find the game. That hurts a little - LOL!
  19. Never said Twitter.... Nevermind....it's just a followers mentality. We will pull ours off the heap, bet on it. Back to fantasy Gruden threads and what if we drafted R Wilson!
  20. Based on our entire post-Polian history..... yeah, probably.
  21. I agree with you but.....The early PR game is as integral to being strategic about this as anything else. Teams with a plan are already making noise.
  22. Getting that "day late and a buck short" feeling again with candidates...... what the F are we awaiting for? Make a move!!!!!!!
  23. See! I told you I'd get you to a Bills game this year! Who's better than Dad, right?
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