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Posts posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. Yeah that's great but can he cover Wes Welker or Rob Gronkowski in the flat? If he can't I don't care if he spends his evenings texting Jesus.


    Ryan Fitzpatrick is also a HUGE character guy, how's that worked out for us?


    So....every player with high character has to account for the utter failure of Ryan Fitzpatrick before they can be judged on their own?

  2. I apologize if this interview has been covered before, but this kid is something special




    If his athleticism on the pro level comes close to his heart and character, we would be insane to pass.


    Manti Te'o@MTeo_5

    Sad to hear one of the greats retired today.Thank you ray lewis for inspiring me and athletes around the world to be the best we can be! #52

  3. On Cowher:


    He looks like he's having a good time with his cushy tv spot and running around with his rock star GF....


    50/50 he ever coaches again....my bet is that he does....makes the NFL better.


    Used to love it, way back in the day, when Kordell would screw up and the angry chin would be waiting for him on the sidelines, sneering.



  4. How about when Ralph insisted that super Rob Johnson take over as the starting QB for D. Flutie in the infamous "Music City Fudgical" game??


    The Bills could have gone to the SB that year. W. Phillips was ultimately fired after the Bills lost that game.


    Incidentally, Phillips was the last Bills HC to actually have a winning record.


    Thanks Ralph.


    Rob F'n Johnson.................


    God I hate that memory.....


    Was high fiving and celebrating with Dad.....then


  5. gotta disagree with you OP....and I love to see the half-empty glass.....


    Something telling me that this time is for real


    First time that the calls are inbound for HC's and there's a LOT of jobs out there. It must be attractive because you can't fuk this up worse.....marginal improvement and you're going to have a nice long career here, deep playoffs and you're a deity, Superbowl and you're the almighty one.


    If we get Whis and a 3-4 DC, I will be the first to come back and apologize to you.

  6. so we are going from 13 years with no playoffs straight to the superbowl?


    no we aren't. playoff berth would be a great start. Romo in buffalo = instant playoff berth


    but it ain't happening. he's too good IMO.


    10-6 this second with Romo and a DC with a clue.

  7. Perhaps the reason there are mixed responses from the fanbase here is that when they went to bed on New Year's eve, the owner was Ralph, the CEO was Bndon and the GM was Buddy. Went they went to bed last night, the owner was Ralph, the CEO was Brandon and the GM was Buddy.


    Yes, Brandon now has supreme power, but does anyone really think, as CEO prior to yesterday's announcement, that Brandon had NO influence over the decisions made by Ralph? That Ralph ignored all of Brandon's counsel? It's kind of like last offseason when many of us were asking how Wanny would be an upgrade over Edwards when he was part of Edwards's staff and had have some input in Edwards's disastrous defense. What exactly are Brandon's strength's regarding running the team. Wasn't he GM for a brief period?


    The "big news" that Ralph will no longer make decisions or any kind assumes that he was making decisions with no input from Brandon in the past or that Brandon had much better choices that Ralph ignored. I just don't believe either of those are true. I'm certain, as a trusted adviser, Ralph took everything Brandon told him seriously and acted according to that advice.


    As for Buddy, we all are assuming all kinds of things that Whaley will be doing, so why not just announce that he is the new GM? Tell everyone Buddy will be kept around as "Special Something Or Other" and give the fans a clear picture of who's running the football side. Buddy represents everything that is wrong with this organization. Why reward him even withthe title of GM? Ot sends the wron message to the fans and, I think, propsective players.


    As for taking Marrone for HC, this place would melt into lava. I can't believe there is a single person who believes that this guy was calling the offense in NO. And now, after a couple of seasons at .....Syracuse??, he's ready to take over a desperate Buffalo Bills team? This is completely nuts.


    Mr WEO......well done.

  8. I get that, but if Chan was adamemt that Fitz was their guy and they gave him the extention last year based off of what they saw, I at least put half of the blame on Chan for that.


    Coaches are supposed to work with GM's. Outside of them not drafting a back up in just this last years draft, I don't see a huge issue, and even we didn't know if that would be a true need due to Fitz having that rib injury.


    Regardless, I don't see that as something that should cost him his job


    OMG the rib injury again.....


    never has a single set of ribs been an excuse for 3 people's failure at their jobs......unless there's a HC, GM and QB out there, that all choked while eating a rack of baby backs.


    Fitz was awful down the stretch of 2011, everyone knew we needed to get a QB....and the 2012 draft produced a historical load of QB talent for other teams. We have no hope at the most important position....that is failure.

  9. If not worse? Does anyone think before they say something? He took the Cards to the superbowl and arguably should have won it.


    We could argue about the past, but many feel that Warner was the biggest factor in their run. In the same time span that Chan was here, their records are pretty close. And they didn't have the Pats to deal with in what used to be a cupcake division.

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