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Everything posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. Condolences SJ13 and family - may she RIP. Thanks for your efforts Stevie.
  2. Recovered from Q1 beautifully……but you cannot spot a good team a quarter like that and hope to win games. I hope that was his bottoming out for the career and he is on to much loftier heights.
  3. A little respect where due people PLEASE..... -He has a tremendous head of hair -He bangs her: https://www.google.com/search?q=kristin+cavallari&client=firefox-a&hs=WsU&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=fflb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=XNypUpCBG_LMsATjnoCoCw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAQ&biw=1440&bih=791 Smokin Jay wins.
  4. What's the poor man's version of a Vet QB that can compete for the starting job and has a couple of prime years in the tank? That's the guy we'll sign! (Why do I have a nauseous feeling it's going to be Vick)
  5. That's what comes with the 7-figure paychecks....if you play like Stevie has, those that once cheered you are going to boo you. If and when you turn it around, they will cheer you again. Take it from someone that has watched Eli Manning's career on a weekly basis. What other course of action does a writer of a sports column in a daily newspaper have when a once good player is hurting the team? If they come out in favor, should there be a disclaimer that they have the right to change their mind years later if the player falls off? Besides....it's still Sully....standard issue. This is all part of professional sports.....we just have 2 of the worst franchises in all of prof sports right now and nowhere else to go with this!!!!!!!! I need a shrink!
  6. +1 We NEED a veteran QB in addition to EJ....if the Vet wins in camp - fine...EJ is a backup for a couple of years. If EJ wins, the vet becomes a backup and EJ better bring it. Like the Kolb idea but only with a man. This idea of not wanting to hurt EJ's feelings (so we should lower the competition bar entirely) is asinine for a franchise that hasn't had a bona fide franchise QB since 1996.
  7. The only thing that doesn't change at OBD….is "the skim"! NOTHING messes with that sweet sweet rev sharing $$$ …..fielding a discount team probably increases bonuses up top……winning a distant distant second.
  8. Egomaniac owners and egomaniac HC's do not a match make! See Jerruh and Jimmy J - 1990's
  9. Playoff Appearances in the last 14 years: Bills: 0 Russell Wilson: 2* *Only 2 years of data available
  10. What kind of supporting cast did he have there?....possibly a franchise in worse shape than the Bills of that era.
  11. The Niners were waiting for Steve Young to develop so they were forced to play Joe Montana???? Please clarify. Everyone knew Steve Young had the ability to be a starter and the Niners paid him starter $ to be a back up. He was far from a developmental project.
  12. Bring in a competent professional QB with a solid history of success? Of course nobody wants it here….we would rather start countless threads over how we would be 9-X with a competent professional QB with a history of success. Sometimes I think we deserve every bit of the 14 years.
  13. So hard to tell if he's a College phenom that doesn't translate to the pro level.....or someone who will re-define the position. ugh.....the team that gambles (Browns) deserves to get paid off. I still carry much hope for EJ.....I grew up in the NY area at the time when they were burning Phil Simms dolls in effigy every week at Giants Stadium......and years later booing Eli off the field every week.....sometimes QB's are a multi-year project. 4 Lombardi's later...
  14. It's a MUST to bring in a Veteran QB with 3-5 good years left in the tank to challenge for the starting role. Not one with a glass vag like Kolb either.
  15. Thread title should read: Get CJ what he needs to succeed 1-LG Upgrade 2- a real NFL OC
  16. I for one am not ready for any "levity" threads.
  17. He'd most likely illegally film the opposing teams DC signals then install an offensive play calling and communication system in which to process/exploit the information.
  18. Graham….awesome Enjoy watching Russell Wilson with HFA through the playoffs!
  19. Russell Wilson leading a go-ahead drive on the road in SF. Anyone see TJ's stats today? F You Buddy Nix…..Cracker-ass Cracker.
  20. Yet again....tale of 2 halves. blanked into the half....at Gillette.....big comeback 2nd half. interesting. ....I'm sure all the Brady fan boys will use the he's just so awesome rubber stamp excuse. some more hot and awesome ADJUSTMENTS by BB....He too is just better. Gift PI call from the shield...ices it. The league is a joke.
  21. Even the most faithful have their breaking points with the money it takes to get a ticket, park, eat and drink …. and watch bad product.
  22. Love the idea of an unquestionably experienced vet as a backup/camp challenger.....Schaub would be a tremendous pickup for exactly that. Schaub needs a fresh start, the rest of the team needs QB insurance in case of injury, and EJ could use some mentoring. Not sure what his contract looks like - that could be a deal breaker. Not sure if Schaub is willing to be a backup at this stage of his career - but he may have to with the year he has put in.
  23. Well, those who wanted to declare Geno the winner early season….
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