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Everything posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. Interesting and out of the box...Wish there was a little more NFL tape on TT.
  2. This. And, this morning, we find out that another greedy owner has sucked a loyal fan base dry and will relocate to a city that has proven (with 2 franchises) that it could care less about football. It nauseated me to no end to see Jerry Jones celebrating undeservedly. GO PACK!
  3. Any LA Bills fans here? I would love to hear what that will do to the traffic on the 405 and how excited you would be to drive up/down to Inglewood to see a game.
  4. Pinkel is Einhorn...be careful. :]
  5. Did Pitt make Tomlin keep LeBeau (already in place from Cowher) or was he given a choice for his DC? Just wondering if there have been cases where the HC is given such a condition.
  6. Pats just accused Woody days before Moron left, based on Woody's Revis statement.
  7. Tampering charges to follow his getting the Jets job.
  8. I could live with it….so long as we get a NASTY OC. The undisciplined knock on his Detroit teams is a little bit troubling, you always seem to have that with a players coach. I think we can overcome, again, if we get an offensive madman calling our plays.
  9. RIP - an original and one of the best at his craft. Can't stand a lot of the personalities on that network, but he was always engaging and entertaining.
  10. Must be to get weapons for Garappolo because I just read in another thread here that TB is coming to Buffalo next year!!!!
  11. LOL, Elway lost 3 SB's under Reeves and absolutely got rolled in those games, should I kid myself that the 2-0 record in the big game with Shanahan was a fluke? Did you really just compare Marrone's record in 2014-ONLY vs Shanahan's entire career? Why not include 2013 for Marrone? Right, it weakens an already ridiculously weak comparison. What was the last career winning coach we had here? Marv? Over .500 with all of that post season experience looks great to me. Should he have went 12-4 the first year after losing a HOF QB or go into a rebuild? Wow dude…just WOW. So he held a title under Danny in Washington, does that mean a thing when Danny wants to do something? If so, then why was there friction between the two of them? Right, Danny backed down and deferred because Shanny held a title…..nope….he rolled over his HC and allowed his rookie/2nd year QB to go right over his head. Owner/QB became boys and totally made a mockery out of a respected HC. What was Danny's track record for meddling prior to Shanahan? Prolific sound about right? The league caught up with the read option = RG3's regression. Not Shanahan. You're selectively forgetting the NFC East title he won while it was the hot thing to do offensively. One year, like the Wildcat. You hit the QB - that is the answer…and RG3 took a lot of hits. How'd RG3 look this year with new coaching? ****ty would be a compliment. Sorry but making the playoffs ONCE here would put a HC on a god-like pedestal. You're trashing a guy for doing it 5x including winning 2 SBs. You really have champagne taste - congrats. The rest of the world sees us as a franchise with "beer money". There's more at stake here than the HC position….the organization needs stability. A very well respected veteran HC is one way to do that. Which hot coordinator is going to come in here and do that? The Niners have 5 titles and appeared in a SB 2 years ago, they're all over Shanny….why do you think that is?
  12. And the football Gods are watching and mulling over year 16 as we wallow in our own ridiculousness down here.
  13. Niners (an elite winning franchise) high on him…. Bills fans say "No Thanks" Nothing else to see here…..hello year 16!
  14. You can't teach accuracy and instincts - 2 areas where EJ is weak.
  15. Seriously people: There are a few truly unfair ideas at work with some here: 1) After witnessing for decades what a meddling owner can do to the FO, the personnel, the draft, coaching staff and the product itself - how in the world can you operate on the assumption that Shanahan is solely to blame for the situation with the Skins? Danny was messing up that franchise before he got there and is doing a bang up job post-Shanny. 2) After seeing all of the season-long ups and downs, in-game decision making, injuries, managing staff and personnel - how do you take away the improbable success of back-to-back SB wins from the HC and put it all on the QB (Elway)? 3) There are people on this board clamoring for Marty Schottenheimer, Coughlin (like that will ever happen) and best of all Cowher. Shanahan had a team in the playoffs after winning the NFC East just 2 seasons ago!! But he's a washed-up retread? He inherited a 4-win Jim Zorn dumpster fire in Washington with Jason Campbell as QB. Seriously, the ones saying "no thanks" like some cancer would be coming here to bring our storied franchise down need a reality check. Offensive HC, respected among his peers, 2 SB rings EARNED, knows the game better than anyone currently in our organization and could absolutely take us to the next level - even with Jay freaking Cutler. If Pegs is truly a hands-off owner, won't jam him with a diva gadget QB and wants a football guy here, IMHO he would be a tremendous person to right this ship. I'm glad that he's being considered.
  16. You went there.....
  17. Please God....Let the sex part involve Kim......NOT Buddy Nix
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