Seriously people:
There are a few truly unfair ideas at work with some here:
1) After witnessing for decades what a meddling owner can do to the FO, the personnel, the draft, coaching staff and the product itself - how in the world can you operate on the assumption that Shanahan is solely to blame for the situation with the Skins? Danny was messing up that franchise before he got there and is doing a bang up job post-Shanny.
2) After seeing all of the season-long ups and downs, in-game decision making, injuries, managing staff and personnel - how do you take away the improbable success of back-to-back SB wins from the HC and put it all on the QB (Elway)?
3) There are people on this board clamoring for Marty Schottenheimer, Coughlin (like that will ever happen) and best of all Cowher. Shanahan had a team in the playoffs after winning the NFC East just 2 seasons ago!! But he's a washed-up retread? He inherited a 4-win Jim Zorn dumpster fire in Washington with Jason Campbell as QB.
Seriously, the ones saying "no thanks" like some cancer would be coming here to bring our storied franchise down need a reality check. Offensive HC, respected among his peers, 2 SB rings EARNED, knows the game better than anyone currently in our organization and could absolutely take us to the next level - even with Jay freaking Cutler.
If Pegs is truly a hands-off owner, won't jam him with a diva gadget QB and wants a football guy here, IMHO he would be a tremendous person to right this ship. I'm glad that he's being considered.