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Everything posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. Haden still out there, could be our guy + 1st or 2nd rounder and CB would be in great shape.
  2. I see and appreciate what they tried to do there with that video, but NFL films they are not. Too many fast cuts and no idea what time (and score) of the game it was most of the first half of the vid. Furthermore, I HATED the ending.
  3. He's clearly down to schlocky representation and management....the kind that do any last ditch act to squeeze any last $ out of a team. He's going to be the diamond jewel of the USFL next. The mighty have fallen.
  4. The memory of letting winnable games slip away from last year, that cost us HFA, will fuel this team to take 0 for granted. EASY over bet.
  5. Born in Buff, raised in NJ Lifelong season ticket holder of Giants Lifelong fan of the Bills The Giants had the magical year in 86 which elevated them as they were a disaster organization prior. In 90, my dream/nightmare came true, my two teams in the SB. At first, I felt like I couldn't lose. I watched the game with family in Buffalo. When the dust settled, wide right happened, and I was immersed in the total heartbreak of the entire city, it changed me forever. Anyone who is a parent of multiple kids know, you often have one kid that you know will be ok no matter what and you have another that you know might struggle more. That is the kid you secretly pull for. The Giants always had a waiting list for season tix, they went to 3 more SB's and won 2 (FU Brady). When they achieve...it's cool. The Bills were always a constant threat to get relocated and were always the small market and had a tougher time getting talent to stay. When they achieve....it's f-cking bananatown for me. Since that moment in 90, I have lived and died with the ups and downs and the heartbreak of having deep emotional ties with this team. When the Bills have success, it means more to me than anything else in sports...and most things in life.
  6. They could be talking about Rd 2... (Breece Hall truthers unite!)
  7. More centralized governance over an otherwise natural selection process is always a solution!! 🙄 Fear not Jets fans, Participation trophies are soon-to-be a reality!
  8. Provided that the buyer will pay your full PSL value. If it goes like it did for MetLife, where they had PSL's from 2 fan bases, the PSL values plummeted. The Giants had that multi-year waitlist at the time so they figured demand would hold up the values.
  9. Word has it: New stadium will look close to Tottenham Stadium with some modifications for snow.
  10. Nothing would surprise me in this the absolute nuttiest offseason that i've ever seen.
  11. Saquan and McCaffrey come to mind.
  12. If Breece Hall got into the 50's, I would hope we would trade up and grab him. I'm not feeling good about our RB room yet.
  13. And now.....we have Chad "ochocinco's" opinion My god are we all better for it.
  14. Mock drafts are what we do when there's no baseball, your hockey franchise blows, it's not golf season yet and you don't care about college hoops.
  15. Brady has a cake walk to the NFC Championship game The entire AFC is a gauntlet...and I could never see him going to a bitter rival to the Pats. Makes no sense.....but stranger sh-t has happened all offseason.
  16. Giants win Rd. 1 in that mock Any mock that doesn't have us getting "Punt God" in a later round, is invalid!
  17. Pro's pros, both of em.
  18. May it all come together for the Dolphins.... 2x a year vs. NE Outside of that, this has the feeling of a hot mess in the making.
  19. Wouldn't sleep on Matty Ice - Dreadful OL and Defenses the last few years. ATL is a dumpster fire.
  20. GB needs to make that happen Dallas TB Get this guy out of the AFC please.
  21. That is an interesting thought. I feel there's an eerie quiet on the Edmunds situation. However, their bringing in his former college teammate....would lead one to believe they're keeping him.
  22. Our Draft looking like this (in no particular order)? CB(2) OG WR(2) RB P This is the most excited I will ever be to get the best punter in the draft! LOL. Bring us "Punt God!"
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