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Everything posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. I trust Rex... no doubt he wants to piss on the grave of the "dynasty"**
  2. 1000 times out of 1000 in that situation you run Lynch They had time, timeouts and downs ... they have had all of their success riding him... I feel bad for the Seattle fans.
  3. Why would you want a clone of Russell Wilson?? Some on this board still think that Russell Wilson is the beneficiary of a defense and nothing more than a shorter darker Trent Dilfer….
  4. "My Husband Can Not !@#$ing Throw The Ball And Catch The Ball At The Same Time"
  5. BOOOOOOM! goes the dynamite. GOAT (and Brady childhood hero) just threw down the hammer.
  6. Wade knows D. Easy guy to root for.
  7. I think they hired those blogging services that the gov't uses to overwhelm chat rooms/comments sections to make things appear pro-gov't. Just look at PFT….no secret that is a top NFL site for fans….the comments sections on deflate posts go 20+ deep pro pats before an anti-pats post can be seen…..and the voting is ridiculously skewed. When the news broke, the comments sections were 99% anti Pats and they were KILLING their supporters. Am I supposed to believe that those people collectively stopped reading/posting? Right.
  8. There really are no words…. Watch the comments section of PFT, there have been gaudy numbers of thumbs up for any comments pro-Pats…..feels a little bit synthetic considering the majority of people that don't believe them.
  9. Can we all just take a step back and revel in the demise of the Pats
  10. So, when it fits your narrative, heresy is perfectly acceptable.
  11. OMG man - really? Nobody ever asserted that the Commissioner is privy to all of their nefarious methods in advance. He (Goodell) clearly does his thing once they are made public. If this were the Bills, the punishment will have already come down as if they were 100% guilty with full proof in-hand .
  12. scumbags - top to bottom Get used to this guy: * He will be with you forever.
  13. It will not matter - nobody outside of the delusional Pats fan base (and a few inexplicably pro-Pats Bills fans here) will EVER believe that TB/BB were not involved. They have already tried the "move on, nothing to see here", "I had no idea", "we're being targeted", "It's physics dammit!","you hurt my feelings", "you will owe us an apology" Lying through their teeth the entire way in a most pathetic fashion. It's over for them and they just cannot seem to understand that they have done it to themselves. Pure arrogance and hubris.
  14. this. It's so sad and football fans, regardless of team, should be pissed-off that the league's conflicts of interest are on full display. Not a level playing field when it comes to big market owners who are chummy with the Commish. I hope this brings down: Goodell, BB, TB and (less likely but I can dream) fat daddy Kraft for that presser yesterday…what nerve.
  15. No way they confess in the run up to a SB when they can deflect and draw things out past the game. The NFL more than happy to oblige them, as are the owners, tv networks and sponsors. It's because of Spygate; they know that any violation of the rules (cheating) on their part is endgame for their "dynasty". Hoodie hoists another Lombardi while engulfed in (another) controversy, then retires with his middle finger up. Goodell that C-NT won't take anything away from them, and they know it.
  16. He plays in the same league... Inequitable owner/commissioner relationships affect him and his team. He absolutely has the right to call it as he sees it.
  17. Well…he must be a "hater" There…that explains it….that seems to be the go-to ad-hominem attack for anyone to dare say they cheated. Haters band together and have membership cards, meet regularly and figure out new ways they can try and undermine all of the Pats deserved successes. anything but the truth for the most nauseating fans in football
  18. Great post... They also know that there's a large segment of the public that, when fed the dish full of horese-poo that BB delivered, will then rush to defend them in scientific air pressure debates (as evidenced here on a Buffalo Bills blog). That draws into the debate, those that find nothing believable about this. This should occupy the media/public for the next week and, before you know it, they will be kicking off SB49. Politicians use the same tactic on us all the time. Whatever happens after that (my guess is that if BB wins, he retires unscathed) is gravy for them. Prior to this latest PC, even some of their own followers were starting to coming out against them. The house was burning down fast and the lynch mob was forming.
  19. cool story bro Bellichick knew so little just a couple days ago...now he's a PhD its just getting sad now so predictably, the NFL following standard damage control protocol now...force the other coaches players and owners to follow the script. and theyre going to make martyrs out of scumbag cheaters.
  20. You have to go to PFT and read the comments - these M!@#$s would be less excited if the Messiah reappeared. They're acting like they won something and this guy vindicated himself/Brady. They really don't have the full grasp of what's happening here... Its over for them….win or lose. This may go away but it will not be forgotten. Dynasty of frauds.
  21. Of course NFL radio found a way to get her on the air…. done with that station….they were right out in front of the "nothing to see here….move on" damage control as soon as the news broke. What about the power to kill a yak from 200 yards away….. WITH MIND BULLETS!!!!!
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