They knew they had a sort-of "double jeopardy" immunity after all of the press around deflategate and their history of cheating. Who would actually think they had the ballz to do it again in the first game of the NFL season under a national spotlight? And if they did, what's the league going to do about it....put another nail in their own coffin? They were both trolling Goodell and gaining an edge with this latest stunt. Essentially, they trolled every fan of the NFL.
The owners will soon start to see an erosion of the business if the Pats run the table this year courtesy of blown calls in their favor and tech glitches. I cannot teach my sons to l love a game that has an unfairness and corrupt feel to it.
I cannot stand the sight of Brady/Kraft/Bellichick...they are not villains, that implies that they have a place in the game with heroes. These guys have no honor. They are the lowest form of competitor and I hope titles eventually get stripped when people really start talking from inside.