sorry to have to admit, being a fan of the Rex hire, half-empty
-not a good sign when the defensive leaders are speaking up week 6 about the system they're in
-I wanted to ignore it at the time, but Rex usually opting to run the 3-4 was a concern as we had just finished getting rid of all of our legacy 3-4 guys.
-Penalties are a major issue. We were flagged probably 6 times yest before Cinci was flagged once. We do not get the benefit of the doubt on marginal calls because of our reprutation.
-I think our offensive philosophy does not fit our talent. Too many coaches try to force-fit players into system when they should fit system around players
-ST's are unwatchable save for Colton and his nasty leg.
There's time to fix things...remains to be seen how the Coaching staff responds.