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Everything posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. Brees would be tremendous but would prob cost us a 1 as we would have competition for him. Could see Romo going with the Cardinals if Carson is done there.
  2. If the TV audience continues to diminish, I fear at what knee-jerk panicky decisions are to come. Some of these owners and this Commissioner are downright scary.
  3. Kiko (0) vs. Wear/tear of the 16 game season (3) I hope he gets a win this year.
  4. Props to the OP. Hope you took it to the bank!
  5. Excellent points Esp on the casual fan…soccer probably on a better casual fan growth trajectory than football.
  6. Another huge point - the amount of media space to fill ensures that most of it is absolute crap I'm older now but there was NOTHING more exciting to me than flipping on the TV Sunday morning and hearing Brent Musberger say with passion: You are looking live! Then John Madden and Pat Summerall would call the lead game on CBS…pure class. And teams that were developed and crafted over many drafts with many of the same returning players would play their BITTER rivals (Think Bills /Fins in the Kelly Marino years)….and if it were a Monday nighter…those players would have the game circled for months ahead as a reminder to absolutely bring it for the national crowd. It was sacred. ESPN got involved and, before Disney, they advanced the experience big time….we got Berman and Tommy and it became the gold standard for pre-game. They also became the place to be for the evening highlights. It's unwatchable now. We do not need 19 co-hosts trying to out dress each other. It used to be an offshoot of journalism. Like everything else it's now glam and celebrity. Berman keeping it real: he looks sh-ttier every year and I love him for it. It peaked for me somewhere in the late 90s
  7. Good call on the officiating - huge factor. Too many games in recent years decided on horrible calls.
  8. I think there's something to it…but it has been something developing slowly in the background over a long time….and I think there will be a quickening if they keep things going the way they have FWIW: Here are some things that I feel may have contributed Too many commercials Too much over-production of the telecast…robots, country singers and stupid intro's, extra special reports from female reporters (Fox and ESPN are main culprits). Everything over the top. Too many nationally televised games (MNF used to be a huge format and an event…too hard to get the marquis match ups and many games are blowouts...everything has a watered down feel now yet they still broadcast it like it's a huge event) Too much tinkering with the game for the purists With the CTE backstory, many parents no longer want to glorify this game to their kids Too corporate and too political: this game is part of people's weekends and they don't need to cross the streams Disney/ABC/ESPN: Dancing with the freaking stars being plugged on the NFL telecast. The pink bow was enough for awareness…now it's a joke. Game is regressing, Talent is watered down…just not enough top quality QB's to go around. We know that too well. FANTASY: those with fantasy teams only want to watch NFL Red Zone…they do not care about engaging a single game - just stats
  9. would be nice to have a chance to tie the pats with a 2-2 record after we meet! (ahhhh dreams)
  10. Odell Beckham Watt Aaron Rodgers Jim Schwartz's Defense Wade's Defense
  11. Arrogant as he is, he is right about this situation. He CRUSHED the Jets after one of our wins vs. them last year. Someone posted it here. Karma is a filthy ho
  12. Rookie QB looking like top guy from draft at the moment... I do not disagree....but Cle and Chi....let's see how they progress.
  13. Race baiting….so hot right now.
  14. LOL...you need to be wearing a Graucho Marx moustache/glasses for that one.
  15. You do remember they were stealing the defensive signals right? Yawn: another strawman argument from the king himself. Keep deflecting it back on me - I started spy gate right? I wrote a book on it. I was the national media. I was Mangini. I was Goodell burying evidence. It's my job to provide you hard evidence (other than what is already out there for 10 years that any fool could see) or it never happened.
  16. What part of pre-snap do you not understand?
  17. Nope, I spend a lot of my time having to be exposed to the delusional nature of your fan base. I can't help when the accusations (and facts) came to light. You referenced the NFL monitoring the channel so how could they have ever communicated from Ernie to the QB. I referenced that they did it via multiple channels. What ensued after is textbook Pats fan: cries of vaginal pain, counter accusing, denial, ...it's as old as the topic itself.
  18. I have nothing to prove to you...you just don't have your facts together. And, yes, spygate broke in 2007, so information around their "irregular"communications stem from 2007. Like their using multiple channels outside of the one the NFL monitors. Say whatever you want...you fit the delusional Pats fan mold perfectly and I work for a Boston based firm, this is just another day for me.
  19. The accusation was never around calling out the open receiver, it was advising the QB (after the league-mandated time frame) the best place to go with the ball given what the defense is showing them. It's not just Tom reading the D in that case, it's Tom + Ernie + BB. They used additional communications signals While the Spygate investigation was ongoing during the second week of the 2007 season, Chris Mortensen of ESPN reported that “The league also was reviewing a possible violation into the number of radio frequencies the Patriots were using during Sunday’s game, sources said. The team did not have a satisfactory explanation when asked about possible irregularities in its communication setup during the game.”
  20. This article is from January so forgive me if some of the names have changed: good for a read though http://insidethepylon.com/nfl/front-office/2016/01/07/2016-nfl-general-manger-candidates/ I really liked the way the article lays out the possible choices - shows you how difficult it can be to nab a stud up-and-comer. And again we see the top tier organizations are all way ahead: grooming replacements and paying them to ensure they stay put until it's their time.
  21. "We've got to get better at _____, and we will"
  22. https://twitter.com/yardsperpass/status/775456292748025856
  23. Gulp! https://twitter.com/yardsperpass/status/775456292748025856
  24. I keep coming back for Kristen Bell....adorable! Fire Roman!...unless we hang 35 on the Jets!
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