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Everything posted by filthymcnasty08

  1. http://www.walterfootball.com/nfldraftrumormill/article/How%20Seven%20Teams%20Have%20Graded%20Deshaun%20Watson
  2. This would make 5 #1 picks to Clemson since 09 for those of you scoring at home.
  3. And the Cheats draw Houston because of Carr. Grrr!
  4. This is obvious damage control...this job is a cautionary tale for experienced HC's.
  5. It's pretty awesome and deserved that people think the GMen could catch a third bolt of lightning in the post season. 3 road playoff games to get there...yikes. Not impossible as they showed in 07. I would kill to see them whack the hoodie 3x in the SB with an improbable Beckham catch.
  6. Have to say...tyrod on Houston would be interesting with their D
  7. Wish it wasn't the case but....TRUTH
  8. OP should have put a hoodie provision in there...
  9. The flip side of that is: It doesn't matter what Sully writes, the Bills are still a mess. Waste of time hating on messengers of the obvious.
  10. Whaley just needs to get put in space.. Like Spiller. Then he'll really start GMing!
  11. 1). Watched it in its entirety: It was cringeworthy 2). Nope I cited it as an on-field indication of a team in disarray and my personal low-point of the season ending. Your making a straw man out of an added-on detail and going to town on it. Was not my entire point at all but go ahead and bash it as it's the bulk of your point. 3). Ok I don't know if Whaley was lying, but the majority of people find his recount fantastically unbelievable. And it does matter when your front office mishandling of matters is aired out in front of the country. It only re-enforces any negative view of the Bills organization in the national eye to fans and even prospective players/coaches. Nobody denies that Pegs wanted Rex etc. Solid football organizations do not handle their business like this. The Bills always seem to handle their business like this. Thanks for your expanding on the business world, I am in it every day. But please, take the high ground for yourself and preach. The rest of your post is bashing people's reaction. You have your opinion and others do not share it. You're telling them it's dumb, wrong, extreme etc. Some of us think it's all those things and more to blame the media and fellow fans for the gaffes of OBD. I mentioned this in another post, I live in the NYC market....you should see what the media does to professional teams and players when there are firings with odd circumstances and behavior, when front offices implode, GM's look silly....like sharks to blood. WFAN has to fill the air for 24 hours and man do they pounce on things like this. See the last 2 years of Rex with the Jets - circus...the media was relentless for months I commend your painting all of this as a good thing, those are some awesome rose colored lenses. I just don't see a prime coaching candidate looking at his prospective management and becoming more excited based on the last few weeks of OBD activity. No no...there's a lot there buddy. I just don't have the time tonight. Since you're gloating already, I will make time for you tomorrow. I actually find it comical though that my not responding to you yet somehow makes the bills less of a sh-tshow.
  12. No - a gaffe on a kickoff was the perfect cherry on top of a complete yard sale. I cannot help but to completely disagree with you. I live in the NYC area and have had the *pleasure* of watching the NY media take coach, player, GM and even owners to the woodshed for such matters for decades. If a front office is not coming correct on a benching, firing, management decision, play call, player gaffe, etc. you bet it's going to be dissected with lasers until the next news matter knocks it off the back pages as they say. The media coverage of the Jets during the Rex/Idzik/Woody/horrible record/pathetic QBing couple of years puts this matter to shame. This wasn't the firing of a coordinator. It was an unorthodox firing of a very public HC and an extremely poor (and also unorthodox) method of explanation of the events leading to it. It's not the Buffalo media.
  13. Please explain how the front office is in any way cohesive and non-dysfunctional. Thanks in advance
  14. This is the sane thread? So, everything is OK at OBD then? It's just a nasty local media-driven vendetta? All of the dysfunction that is playing out right in front of us isn't really dysfunction - it's just the media telling us it's dysfunction. OBD didn't do this, Sully did. wow. We hired a big personality HC that draws attention no matter where he goes...and we fired him in 2 years with an obviously divided FO 1 game before the season ends, benching our starting QB and installing an interim. We play an abysmal game including a bizarre special teams disaster. The locals get the same old Bills feeling watching the coaching carousel fire up yet again. No sign that there is a tight process for managing the transition into another regime, just the opposite. Then we get mad when anyone in the media dares to wonder (skeptically) who is running this thing? So they appropriately go to the General freaking Manager and he lies and plays politics while looking ridiculous and treating the media like it's not their place to ask. That level of sh-t show, as it should, draws in the national media. The FO did that all by themselves. It's not just picking on poor little Buffalo. People here are faulting the local media (that has been covering failure after failure for the entire stretch of our drought) for calling what's walking and quacking like a duck in front of the entire country....a duck.
  15. Malik Hooker: Close off the back end of this D
  16. Who still says a Czar is a bad idea? This needs to get stabilized fast. Whatever you want his title to be (even HC) , Coughlin is more of a type we need to be in this organization. This thing is rolling right off the rails.
  17. His agent playing games. Wants to see where he stands with the Bills...especially after yesterday.
  18. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/leaders/sacks_career.htm You are correct...#34....not HOF for a pass rusher, non leader, non-champion. Elvis Dumervil has him beat and they entered the league same year. He however must be #1 all-time for $'s earned/sack.
  19. OMG...that music is now in my brain!!!
  20. My bad - misread that...thought it was Mario asking to be cut in the offseason.
  21. Pretty selfish time to start that stuff Mario - but not at all surprising - with a playoff game coming up.
  22. at 7-9, and DW's presser, I just can't help myself
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