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Kettle Creek Football

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Posts posted by Kettle Creek Football

  1. :flirt:


    Best advice yet. I tried to talk Andy into dumping his show in favor of local programming, but I think GR is contractually obligated to carry it.


    For those of you asking about streaming -- yes, WECK has a Webcast:


    I guess I'm the only one who likes "Cowhead." However, I'm glad Nick won't be having Mike Schlepp on his show! Good luck, Nick. We look forward to your show.

    Too bad we can't hear it on radio waves up here in Southwestern Ontario.

  2. btw, anyone saying to ship him to washington for campbell, two things: washington has 3 starting caliber hbs and washington is likely to rescind jason campbells 1 yr offer, in light of the dmc trade, thus making him free to sign with whoever. so, in summary, although he's not that good, he's not stupid enough to sign with us anyway! :thumbsup:

    Trade him and Trent to any team for any offer.

  3. You're right. I like Boeheim but too often, he doesn't seem to make adjustments that go with the flow of the game. I couldn't believe it when they slowed it down with only a 4 point lead. They have never been a good half-court team. They need to push it down the court. Also, Rautins and Johnson were starting to get hot hands at the 3-pt line, but they both disappeared (before Andy fouled out).

  4. I'm actually quite pleased. Even though I went to SU for two years I've always had a dislike for the place. This also shows what a joke the NCAA selection committee has become. They let in fewer and fewer mid-majors every year and bloat up on alleged power conference like the Big Least. Now the NCAA wants to expand the tourney and make mid-majors play play-in games while they add even more power conference teams? Once the Cinderellas are gone, I shut the NCAA tourney off. The first two rounds are the only ones worth watching anyway.



    I agree that the first 2 rounds are the most exciting. I haven't even watched the final game 3 of the last 4 years.

  5. I believe that Ralph IS inept at football decisions. But his ineptitude goes back many years, so that criticism (at least as it pertains to me) has nothing to do with his age.

    I think you are both right. It is ageism, or is it "ageinist?" Anyway, from what I can tell, both Nix and Wilson are intelligent. Wilson may not be a "football guy" but Nix certainly is the epitome of it.

  6. Just heard on Sirius NFL radio an interview with Greg Williams. They were talking about Drew Brees and Williams said Tom Donahoe and he tried to get Brees up in Buffalo, but SD ending up getting him.


    Its too late for me to do any research on this. Just wondering who Donahoe/Williams got instead of Brees?



    It's funny too, how this has never come up anywhere before - until this post-season. Gregg is such a B.S.er and a wind-bag. If they really wanted Brees, they would have taken him instead of Clements. If memory serves, Brees was predicted to be a 1st rounder, and SD got him with the 1st pick of the 2nd.


    I'm happy for the Saints, but not for "The Mouth that Roared" Gregggggggggggggggg.

  7. After watching that game, I realized (for the 1,000th time) that we just haven't had a guy like that since Kelly left, and we certainly don't have someone on our roster like that now. Sure, T.E., Brohm, Fitz, etc can be "coached" but they'll never be a Brees or Manning.


    The next elite QB the Bills will have, is likely someone still in college or high school. Unfortunately.

  8. Just curious for opinions. Here is mine. Moorman would've started over Tuten or any other punter we had during that stretch. Lindell would've started over Norwood but not Christie. Stroud would've started over Wright. I think McGee would've started over Odomes. Schobel would've started over Seals...and perhaps even Hansen. That's it. There are some borderline ones. Maybe Byrd would've gotten the nod over Kelso but I bet not, since the coaches loved having the brainy Kelso out on the field. Maybe Lee Evans would've started over Beebe in a 3-WR set.


    Any others? Agree, disagree?

    Wow, can you tell it's the offseason?

    ; )

  9. The thing is, I can't remember Schefter being wrong about anything in the past. This flies in the face of what he's reporting.

    Yesterday, Schefter was on Sirius NFL Radio and basically admitted he was wrong about Tampa "reaching out" to Cowher. Schefter said that the previous night (Tuesday), "very high ranking officials" of the Bucs' called him & basically yelled at him for reporting completely false rumours. I thought that was very telling. Of course, he didn't admit he was wrong, he just suggested that his "sources" were wrong.

  10. Threw no-one including Buffalo, under the bus.


    Did mention that Jason Peters trade was 'unfortunate'.


    Other than that, total pro, and positive about the team and Buffalo.

    I thought he was a good citizen and teammate as well. However, he did say they need a QB at that presser, didn't he? (Although, who wouldn't agree with that?)

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