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Ramblin' Rob

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Everything posted by Ramblin' Rob

  1. Pretty simple here folks....he was last year until he broke his leg. He was in the early MVP conversation when QB's were putting up video game like numbers. It is no debate, If he gets the touches, produces the same, and stays healthy he will be Top 5 again. People may get scred off by his age and rank others ahead of him, but as far a year goes, he was top 5 last year, sans injury. Lynch and spiller were first round draft picks, FJ was an arena league walk on who was clearly better/ more productive than lynch but had an idiot coach and subpar OC. It took the new regime all of a month to jettison 'BEAST MODE' in favor of freddy. Just cause he wasn't on the field does not mean he was not better.
  2. I view it as admirable that Fitz and the coaches don't talk about what ever the injury was, especially in light of the criticism they have taken. No excuse type of mentality.
  3. Thanks for the free service to Bills fans SDS. Change is always weird but not always bad, so I am not mad. However, I failed to realize that you were responsible for the fall of parachute pants, and for that I am very mad at you. >.<
  4. Fitz is a starter, this topoc is a Non starter.
  5. Hold it guys, he is right, I just checked and his first post in this tread and it indeed had a real stat, and I quote. 'The Bills win was a fluke' hard to argue with those numbers.....
  6. Hey buddy, we all missed you this weekend! Our corn flakes were not as savory with out your pee in it. A team that gets no take-aways wins few games. Perhaps, the bills coaches did a good job of scheming against the Pats O, and that's why they won. But I know as little about it as you do(doubtful) so who knows.
  7. now this is not what i am here for, but these are quotes from the first story on each of these fine upstanding citizens websites. first Beck: 'From the ‘God hates fags’ and the ‘God hates the Chick‑fil‑A’ people. There’s no difference.' Rush: 'RUSH: This is so predictable. Guess who just took the podium in Washington to explain the unemployment numbers today? President Obama. Right when this program begins.' This is the type of crap you can here with in minutes of tuning in to either program. And I have tried time and again to listen, it's a game to me to see how long i can go with out steering my truck into a giant tree. Any issue they make points about is discredited by the BS, unfounded claims and hate they spew. Glen Beck was fired from Fox news for being too crazy????? does that not tell you anything??? And so you know, I don't get my news from the Daily show or MSNBC. I used to think a liberal counter to the Rushes of the world was the answer, and Kieth Olberman showed me it is just as obnoxious from the left. If and when I see a political story I will read CNN, FOX, then BBC. I'm absolutely sure that is not good enough for you cause I don't read the drudge report, but what ever. I am not gonna change your mind, as you are not mine, but if you think either one of these guys are doing anything but duping their fans for the almighty dollar, you are not only sadly mistaken, but sad. And although we are in the same swing state, I am in what should be the swing county of the state, and perhaps the election. I am pretty sure HR will go D, and I hope my vote is the vote that stifles the right in my county!!! Now for real, I love this site, and should have avoided posting, but the veiled and not so veiled comments had to be balanced, but move this thread, mods and lets move on to something we can all agree on(with the exception of Paintmyhouse) Football, and the truly exciting season we have coming up! See previous post! Also, Liberals are not as easily fooled/amused.
  8. We are way beyond big trouble already, as daily Beck, Rush, and the like make comments that are just as irrelevant that sway votes. (sorry for leaving out all those liberal talk show hosts, feel free to insert them....if they exist) Needless to say, I agree that this topic has taken a turn for the worse.
  9. This is why this is funny. all of the buffalo bills fans in buffalo could vote R and Obama will still win the state. I too live in a swing state, and perhaps THE swing county of the election, and cannot wait for this garbage to be over. I hope my vote is the one that makes the difference!
  10. THE SKY IS FAAALLLLLLING!!!!!! As we have witnessed many times, and seen written here many times, every team has weaknesses. WR was a MAJOR concern last off season and the WR's had an adequate season, no reason to think it will be any different this year. Especially when based on motivational coach speak.
  11. My guess is, not very. So is paintmyhouse the official board villain now?
  12. Bills ranked 9th last year in rushing attempts and 10th in passing attempts, playing from behind in most games(2 of the 6 wins were epic comebacks). We also had a top 3 back for 10 games before he broke his leg, and the replacement took a few games to get going. And the ratio was right along the the league average. Ahead of the curve, no, but don't we have to get to the curve first? But eehhh facts schmacts!!!
  13. Oh, i get where you, and others who have suggested it, mean. I just don't like it. It really is nothing personal, regardless of the way I framed my previous statement. My suggestion is upperdecks choice "STFU, it's too early." The best nick names happen naturally, forced nicknames are never as good. For example, Air Jordan or an 18 year old King James? Air Jordan ALL DAY! Sweetness or Fitzmagic? Get it? (for the record I am not debating jordan vs. James, and I LOVE Fitz, just hate the forced nicknames.)
  14. Can't believe this got 2 pages. WHO CARES?!?!?!?
  15. Can't hate this one enough, not creative and why would they collect bills, we are the bills. This is the only right answer, minus the tired Ralph is cheap line. (I know you were jesting upper deck)
  16. Can't like this one enough! Same with this for the same reasons!
  17. Knew it wouldn't take long for these types of responses.
  18. clearly should not post, a. from my phone and b. about my hate of haters. If i had a hot tub time machine i would use it to go back in time and punch myself in the face to fall asleep, rather than to read TSW on my phone and post this non-sense. Since my Hot tub time machine is broke, the only thing i could do is edit my post, which really did not help. Fire away y'all, i deserve it.
  19. Yes, the o line was also a target. What ever though, my point is I don't get negativity. I will repeat, prolly should just not post. No room for realistic optimism here. Yep, posting from my phone and hit the period insted of the space bar. Good work detective.
  20. This year it's the QB that is the target of all the hate. And that's after the Bills had a Qb throw for 3000 yards in back to back seasons for the first time since Kelly. I need to remember that there were peeps in the super bowl years that thought Reich was better than Kelly. Some people would be heart broken if we won the SB. Or maybe they would multi task and celebrate by saying we got lucky and the Bills should jettison Fitz the way the ravens did Dilfer, you know cause that worked out so well for the Ravens. I am always an optimistic bills fan to a fault, but I will never understand fans that are blind haters. Obviously I stayed up too late. Also, prolly should just not post.
  21. So the two come backs in back to back weeks do not count as the just one time?
  22. right?!?! see what i mean?!?!?
  23. You got me. Except I never asked you to spell his name in any way. I asked people in general if it is cool for a grown man to call another grown man names like Fitzgarbage. And that poll question clearly says the peeps agree that it is stupid and sophomoric. Or I can just quote eball- 'By the way, calling him fitzGARBAGE doesn't make anyone mad...it just makes you look like an immature douche. Fitzgibbons, Fitzgerald, etc., are all at least funny.' Just like I never said Fitz was better than Vick, but rather Vick is over rated and that I preferred Fitz. So yeah, you got me. and yep, it sure is ironic...like a mustache. Now what is Ironic for real is your member name, seeing as how Lynch was just arrested. So, you are a vick fanboy and a lynch fanboy... clearly you are a high character guy.
  24. I will try this in English this time...I don't think fitz is better. I do think he is better for the Bills. I don't think Vick sucks, I do think he is over rated. Again, awaiting the passing records Vick holds. Also I would rank vick somewhere between 7-10 and fitz around 15.
  25. Last year fits accounted for more yards and touchdowns, and yes more interceptions. This is the first time he has entered the season as a starter with a full off season. I think if the name in the poll vs Fits was a. Rod, p or e manning, Brady, brees, rothlisberger, rivers, stafford, or Ryan, most bills fans would not pick Fitz. So no, not of course bills fans would choose their qb. This all started cause I said Vick is over rated. He cannot carry the jocks of the qb's listed above. Fits will have a better year than Vick, that is my prediction. As for the Fitzgarbage bs...as labron James says, you can say what you want, but you still got to go back to your s***y life. Or some thing like that. Lol.
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