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Ramblin' Rob

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Everything posted by Ramblin' Rob

  1. The problem is that your point is incorrect. Someones Dialect has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with the language used in a persons community. Tre White has a thick accent and is widely reported to be very intelligent. No other accent or dialect is representative of a persons intelligence, why Sammy or Leodis?
  2. Article was good for the most part. Got me thinking, Whaley's best move would have been to fire Marrone when he benched EJ, and put Swartz in at HC. Other facts; Whaley deserved more time Overdorf probably does not The Brandon hate is funny The Nicknames are silly, fellas...I hope all you cheeseballs are young at least...
  3. I think you went off the rails after the second sentence, my friend.
  4. Yes, but there is no place more exhilarating after an early season meaningless win over the Pats!
  5. So this is what we've been missing on bbmb. eh? Hears the deal. I am sure there were lots of "Whaley sucks, no he doesn't" threads over there, as there have been here. There is no need for one after every move. It's tiresome. Crusading is tiresome too, and will get you railed on. It is a done deal, DW is the GM for 2017. If they are 0-4, start the talk(unless they are tanking) then start a thread. Otherwise, you will be railed against. BBMB was Budwiser, TBD is a limited edition micro brew, just a little more sophisticated.
  6. Were non of those answers, Gungy?
  7. "eeeessshhh good lord!" My exact quote seconds ago. Also, I like Ken W.
  8. Facts-It is nauseating as a Bills fan to hear a Bills legend ball wash the Pats It is his job Over the past 16 seasons, his ball washing has been appropriate. Maybe the best team ever. Over the past 16 seasons, his ripping the Bills and giving them little chance against the Pats has also been accurate. Tasker works for national media, Smerlas works for regional media, hence the difference in bias All this said, I lived in NH from'03-'06 and remember watching NESN before the '03 game and hearing Smerlas laugh at the Bills chances. Literally laughing. I was crushed. The Bills famously won the game 31-0, their last victory against the Pats who went on an 8 season win streak against the Bills, starting with a 31-0 victory to perfectly bookend the Bills season.
  9. Unless Romans game day performance was that bad, there is nothing to suggest anything but a thorough pounding this weekend. Former doormats 37-current doormats 13
  10. Pulling the ROONEY card I see. My judgements have been made. After this I hope I have the strength to never respond to you again, as you are not worth the calories I have burned thus far responding to you. Chris Palmer AAron Kromer I said two to three, and as I have stated, you don't deserve my time to see if there is a third. Pound sand you thinly veiled...
  11. Nope. C'mon, man. Days like today make me happy the rest of the league is too busy to check out our message boards to see how short sighted our fans can be. "Throw money at Polian" "Make Kelly the head coach" "Tank and draft Chad Kelly" and on and on. I too want the Bills to win, but look to the future, not the distant past. Where we should be looking is places like the Arizona front office, and the Seahawks coaching staff. You know, teams and departments with recent success.
  12. Listen, this is not good, but this organization has taken clear steps forward since RCW passed. The results may seem similar, but we had not had back to back non losing seasons in close to 20 years. The roster is better, and the coaching staff is bigger and more experienced. I think the owners had too much influence in the hiring of the current coaching staff. I believe this is why Whaley is silent now, and why I believe he will have one more opportunity to truly pick HIS coach. Yes, but is is a mistake to have a chain of command like this? I think the owners had too much influence in the hiring of the current coaching staff. I believe this is why Whaley is silent now, and why I believe he will have one more opportunity to truly pick HIS coach. Sure has that appearance Yes, complete zero that has garnered head coaching interviews, and will get no help from the 2 or three experienced play callers on the staff. Dude, it sucks enough being a Bills fan, hyperbolic blowhards make it soo much worse.
  13. Agreed. I have lived in several major markets and what I have found to be the defining difference between good and bad hosts is this; A good host will take a lousy callers point, and make chicken salad out of chicken poo. A lazy or blowhard host will ask, "is this why you called and waited on hold for an hour?"
  14. Saying all of this with all due respect; No, I was using that Tuesday Baltimore caller to disprove your original point, which by the way was, he has not hung up on a caller in over a year. Yet in this post you say 2-3 a month. From 0 times a year to potentially 36? Some callers from sports talk shows can be painful to listen to, that being said, creating an unwelcoming environment will surly keep better callers away.
  15. Gotta call you on this one. He hung up on the dude from Baltimore two days ago after belittling him and not allowing the dude to respond. The "brutal listen" guy that takes over at 7 had Baltimore guy on later and they had a good back and forth. And every thing else in Freddy's Dead's post was spot on. Schoop was a revelation at NSA, and is just a dick now. I feel like he has gotten better Since Pegula took over the Bills, but we could do better.
  16. <------- Historically, Uncle Ray. (I don't hold Driftwood against his playing career) Played middle linebacker on our best teams. Robert Woods, I never understood the hate.
  17. Murph will not live to see Van's retirement age, he is not a picture of health and will be lucky to see 70. And after having lived in several other markets, Murph seemed better to me. Washington, New England, Carolina, and Seattle, maybe one, Seattle, is markedly better, and Washington was was not listenable. Probably too biased to Judge NE and Carolina is probably on par.
  18. Uncle Spliffy aka Clifford "Big Dog" Robinson
  19. You are being kind. It is an embarrassing topic, and an especially embarrassing thread title. I am proud of Richie and his progress, and think he would agree with my sentiments.
  20. ^^^The meathead comments that make being a football fan, and a Buffalo Bills fan embarrassing at times. J.Martin was suffering from depression, and could not handle the abuse Richie doled out. Richie, the same guy who is a pro-bowler, but regularly released (mid season, once) or not retained for a second contract until now, a. ll because he was an a$$#*(%. Let's take it to the next level of thinking...the male brain does not reach full emotional maturity until the mid twenties. Richie was supposed to me a mentor, not a tormentor. Richie seems to have turned the corner, and hopefully he does not backslide. Same with J. Martin. Now, carry on with your drunk dizzy bat races, piledriving each other through tables, and falling from the 300 level on to fans below. Thank you to these three reasoned fans! ^^^
  21. So this is my chance to say that I was totally wrong about Tyrod. I judged him harshly from his VT days, and clearly, Frank Beamer has proven to be the real issue there. I thought Tyrod to be closer to Tuel than a starter. Wrong. I thought he came up small in big situations. Hope I'm wrong. Beyond that, he appears to be a leader. I want to temper my excitement because of 2008 and 2011, but this feels different. Trent dinked and dunked, Tyrod is chucking it down field. Fitzy and his teammates were gritty overachievers that fell to earth. This team is just getting it's boosters warmed up. And I think we have the best back-up QB in the league.
  22. Dude, when people address your point, like "go to a different gate" or "get there earlier"you dismiss it. Therefore, MarkAF43 is correct, you are pathetic. Question for you, smart guy; How do you propose the Bills handle it? How do you handle 50% of the fans being too lazy to walk to another gate? How do you handle the one dude that finds this to B word about? I guarantee they will handle you better than we did.
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