The roster spot was opened up for promising youngsters.. That would be Jones, Nelson and Easley so they get more playing time. Unfortunately Easley is out for the year. I would rather see Nelson out there than Evans.. I much prefer the larger and taller receivers we have now. Lets face it.. The deep ball is not Fitzpatrick's strength so why have a guy that only runs straight down field that we can only connect with like 25% of the time?
Seriously.. there is a Lee Evans thread everyday.. Let it go people.. He is no longer on the team so who cares what he produces.
This is getting ridiculous.. Lee was a starter last year, Jones and Nelson weren't. There is no comparison. How about we judge at the end of this year and see who has better numbers. At this point both Nelson and Jones are > that Evans!
Jones - 2 catches for 3 yards and 1 TD
Nelson - 4 catches for 66 yards 0 TD's
Evans - 0 catches for 0 yards and 0 TD's