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Everything posted by Meark

  1. Awesome.. hopefully it means the Cowboys will be irrelevant for at least a few more years.. That puts a smile on my face.
  2. I have this feeling Buffalo is drafting Nassib.. I don't even think it matters if Geno is on the board.. Just a hunch. (I however, like EJ.. If he's available in the second (doubtful) I'd draft them both.)
  3. I am guessing the Bills have snowed you all.. The Bills are going to draft Ryan Nassib at #8.. just got that feeling.
  4. Dude is one violation away from suspension and is coming off one of the worst injuries you can return from.. I'm actually a bit relieved.
  5. Denver did ok in free agency last year..
  6. Hello.. Ralph is cheap.. must have just been off his meds last year. I'm sure the Bills will slowly pick up some players as the other opportunities get filled (and player salary expectations diminish).
  7. No one posted "git er done" yet?
  8. Best topic and funniest responses of the year.. Seriously. I'll add Dont't cross the Moats show..
  9. +1.. good luck getting those file out..
  10. Are you sure? My phone talks..
  11. LOL.. I'm sure Lee Evans wishes he was 6'2 and 210+ lbs..
  12. I like DHB.. definitely worth a look. Just needs to stay healthy.
  13. Miami is going crazy in FA.. Paying big money and overpaying for both Wallace and Ellerbe..
  14. Kind of a nebulous subject line.. I'm personally going to grab a bite to eat.
  15. Some guys want a change of scenery when their contract is up.. what are you going to do? If someone approached me with a job offer with a company I'm interested why shouldn't I take it? Yes it sucks, but someone else will step up or step in.
  16. Free agency just opened 40 minutes ago and the draft is coming up. At least you know that Fitz won't be QB next year. That doesn't count for anything?
  17. You must be new around here..
  18. Wow.. I am very surprised they cut him.. I actually have a glimmer of hope that things are going to be much different around here..
  19. Nice grab for the 9ers.. They are going to be even more physical.. I'm looking forward to watching them next season.
  20. No thanks.
  21. I didn't see this posted..
  22. Welp.. You and I might be angry.. but the places he wasted his money sure are happy he stopped by.. Money wasted on crap by rich people helps run our economy. How would the jewelers and high end car dealer stay in business without these guys?
  23. Heard Harvin would be a good fit for the Raiders on NFL AM.. have to agree it seems like a good fit. We need a big strong tall receiver like Brandon Marshall, Vincent Jackson, Calvin Johnson type opposite of Stevie.. Someone physical that can block, break tackles, lay down a defender with a stiff arm.. etc. Besides David Nelson, who isn't very physical, we fairly small receivers.
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