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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. "Blame" implies it was a negative thing...if anything he should use the word "credits" TO for Jauron firing.
  2. Acta est fabula, plaudite! Ad captandum vulgus. Adeste fideles, ad vitam paramus!!!!!!!!!
  3. It's an early birthday present to me!!!! HAPPY 50th NG!!!!!!!!
  4. I don't ever recall reading grandiloquent in a sentence before, certainly not here....good job!
  5. yeah Hamdan in NFL Europe for example.
  6. we almost beat the Pats, Browns, Saints, Texans and now the Titans....the only game we truely lost was against Miami.
  7. so we lose by 24 and we "almost beat them"...I guess we "almost beat" everyone this year!!! WOO HOO!!!!! We're "almost" 9-0.
  8. With Kelly, those were TD's...maybe even with...***glup***...JP. They were "bad" throws.
  9. That's what I thought right away, he was probably supposed to be in the slot, off the line.
  10. you a freakin Badger fan? Figures. A teacher in a 1st grade Oconomowoc classroom asked her students a question one day. She asked everyone who was a Badger fan to raise their hand. Everyone in the room except one little boy raised his hand. The teacher said "young man, if you're not a Badger fan, what are you?" The young man said "I'm a Michigan fan!" The teacher then asked why. The young man replied "well, my dad is a Michigan fan, my mom is a Michigan fan, so I'm a Michigan fan!" The teacher then said, "Well, that is not an excuse to be a Michigan fan! If your mom was a moron and your dad was a moron, would that make you a moron?" The young man laughed and said to his teacher, "No, it would make me a Badger fan!"
  11. I saw a car here in CT with SCOOBY license plate the other day, it was a Smart Car...I chuckled to myself.
  12. Certainly you mean the mighty wolverine. And what about fisher cats...
  13. He doesn't need your support...mortal. <This tale may have a moralizing end, with eternal damnation for the foolhardy sig line requester. Or it may have a twist, in which a wily jerk from Cincy outwits the KOAB.>
  14. I really believe that this second concussion has reversed the effects of the first concussion.
  15. okay...you can be my henchman...is that enough fame for you?
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