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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. that's what my son says about Jackson...great running back, slow as on the kickoff's.
  2. I saw her on the Today show in HD this morning... I take it all back, damn, she had 20 million zits under all that makeup.
  3. so JP belongs on the practice squad?
  4. Once upon a time there was a poster around here that called me a jackass...nobody saw him for over a year...he wasn't so funny then. If I hate the commercial, why would I vote for anyone, even if he was a Bills fan, to further annoy me.
  5. I usually avoid the numerous JP threads so please forgive my gaffe.
  6. dog is not going to like this but I guess JP is not as good as Drew Willy.
  7. Those commeroials are really frickin' annoying...I hate'em!
  8. so...Jason Taylor out of college was 6'6" and weighed 244...Maybin is 6'4" and 249....Taylor has done okay for himself at that size....hell, he's "skinnier" than Maybin.
  9. Jungers, a busty head-turner, was unavailable for comment Saturday but updated her status on MySpace.com to say her mood was "anxious." Now, that's my kind of gal!!
  10. I bet if I tried that 10 times I'd make at least one...unimpressive.
  11. I wasn't aware that Annie "went that way"...not that there's anything wrong with that...
  12. This was less impressive than I thought...so the board proclaims.
  13. big deal...I bet I could draw the same thing.
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