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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. seriously, it was bad enough the first time around, I didn't think it was possible but now this "joke" is actually worse.
  2. What like Phthirus pubis(crab louse)....indeed, there are parallels between them.
  3. I guess ol Ralph has finally lost his mind...again.
  4. I used to be with it, then they changed what it was. Now what I'm with, isn't it and what's it seems weird and scary. It'll happen to yoooouuu.
  5. I stopped watching TV after Matlock went off the air.
  6. Brady Quinn or Derek Anderson? Don't we have enough problems already?
  7. how come you didn't thank him for the newsflash????
  8. indeed...the guy is a master of reading defenses, he's seen it all and adjusts accordingly.
  9. if you think I'm reading through this mountain of crap to find if that has been discussed you're crazy...don't call me Jimmy again or I'll post then close this mother down. How's that....Jimmy?
  10. you guys really have a long !@#$ing way to go on this thread. http://www.urch.com/forums/lounge/2793-wor...est-thread.html at that time 2004 there was a thread >200K replies. Better get busy.
  11. Down Goes Frazier! Down Goes Frazier! Down Goes Frazier!
  12. Dude in the white shirt should just have given up after being knocked down repeatedly....too funny.
  13. Get well soon BB...I'll have Danny put in an extra 20 points for you tomorrow night.
  14. Are you implying that he originates from East or Southeast Asia, because I highly doubt you are implying that he is suffering from Downs Syndrome because that term is so passé...not to mention archaic and ignorant and offensive.
  15. indeed..he's about 2 standard deviations below the mean...a real outlier.
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