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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. same argument goes for bartenders then, right? I read somewhere that gratuity is a very large part of the income for a barber or stylist. I tip mine $5.00.
  2. that's a great idea...perhaps you should should submit it in the suggestion box, we'll get right back to you about it, don't mind the cobwebs there, we've been meaning to clean up the place for quite some time now.
  3. http://sports.yahoo.com/olympics/vancouver...?urn=oly,221408
  4. just bustin your stones...did you see the 60 minutes segment? Pretty impressive IMHO. He was presenting it as a replacement of the grid and apparently can transmit "wirelessly". Also..."Capable of powering more than 100 homes while producing close to zero emissions" this is a good read. http://green.venturebeat.com/2010/02/22/bl...h-all-the-hype/
  5. apparently an expert disagrees with you....""If he can reach $3,000 for a 1 or 2 kilowatt system that provides both heat and power, that's a real game changer. But the real question is delivering," says Pernick." http://abcnews.go.com/Technology/bloom-box...0285&page=2
  6. used to do all kinds of home improvement stuff, bonsai, gardening, even used to be good at golf...last few years it's been hauling my boy around the NE playing basketball, now that he'll be off to college in the fall I'll get a chance to get back to that stuff in about a month or so.
  7. that's the first thought that popped into my head.
  8. maybe she should have done her cheating privately too.
  9. It's true! Not only that you get to use neat phrases like "new fangled", "land sakes" and such.
  10. IF you read his post and had any amount of comprehension, you'd know he did. BTW I have the same problem with helping my son make his own highlight film...he has all the game films from this year but would like to cut and paste...it's not straight forward and frankly after spending many hours and different methods we gave up.
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