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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I don't think there is any doubt it was him and I also don't think anyone would argue with that he got a real lesson...hence my "so"? I'm not writting him off yet, he just needs to grow the !@#$ up.
  2. the only thought I had when I read that was...."so?"
  3. 3....2....1....why are the Bills sitting on thier hands....DOOMED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. seriously? neglect is neglect dude...I'm sure you're a bright person, you can do it.
  5. here's what I know about myself...I smoked a lot, didn't do well in school, way under achieved, smoked much less, did better in college and grad school...then quit altogether when we had kids...over 21 years ago. And in my case it did lead to much more than just weed. But, I decided it interfered with my life too much and didn't want it to get in the way of my family. For as much I did and experienced, I am worried about my kids doing that stuff and would hope they never would do it...but I'm realistic.
  6. Let's see...she's a F'ed up on "pain meds" wearing a I love weed shirt and her kids are running around the woods in diapers when it's in the 30's. If people want to use drugs that's their business, but don't let your "lifestyle" threaten your kids...her "lifestyle" threatened her kids, that's F'ed up. I quit using anything when I grew up and had kids.
  7. how do you know she didn't smoke that day? Or that was the only day all year she didn't smoke? Who knows? This I'm pretty certain of, anyone wearing that shirt probably smokes weed on a regular basis... And for what it's worth..."back in the day", I was a heavy smoker, I'm not a Joe Friday.
  8. Yes, I'm quite sure she never smokes weed. How stupid of me.
  9. INDEED. Okay here goes.... Bravo Bullpen, BRAVO!!!
  10. Like this? Incredible. http://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/weird/Kids-...d-90391504.html
  11. If you're going to be a member of the Bills you must have a lot of faith.
  12. I'd rather watch baseball and I think baseball is boring as hell.
  13. on a serious note...if you read the article and then searched for other examples of the San Damiano cross, all have what is "perceived" in this one...I have to admit though, that this example seems a bit more pronounced than others. JMO.
  14. the dude lost the handle and it went in...a fluke accident.
  15. The only concern I have with Campbell is the fans. Will they be patient enough with him before the boo's and the torches and pitchforks come out. It's not going to be an instant fix...can the fans wait at least a year?
  16. yeah, his chances of growing up to be a normal productive human being have been greatly enhanced by traumatic castration.
  17. I liked the thread about topless women more.
  18. What triggers gout in one person does not necessarily do it to someone else.
  19. http://web.archive.org/web/20060522175829/...;category=Pasta cook it up, invite over BF, DC Tom and maybe Darin and hilarity will ensue.
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