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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I think if we legalized marijuana there would be less homeless.
  2. I would hope my daughter was smart enough not to put herself in that situation in the first place. And just to be clear...no, I am not blaming "the victim".
  3. I'm sorry...I couldn't read past that because I couldn't stop laughing...did you see last season?
  4. you don't go around crashing your car, yet you pay for the airbags....it's strickly a safety device.
  5. but it's really annoying. Like having a conversation with someone who shouts.
  6. I'm all for it...why not...it'll save as many lives as air bags. what do you think?
  7. The kids wouldn't be able to buy it!
  8. How much money can they tie up in one position...the most expensive position as well.
  9. yo....4/20 is over. Pot is still illegal.
  10. eh...I'm 50 and my past is way behind me, I gots the wisdom!!
  11. Dean my most sincere condolences, be thankful for all the years you had with him, you are truly blessed to have had as much time as you did with him...celebrate his life and all you shared with him. Sounds like you've had more than your fair share to deal with, know that your friends are here for you.
  12. Sometimes I wonder what it would be like...it's been over 20 years. My kids tell me they know some friends whose parents smoke with them...seriously...I know my kids would harsh my buzz.
  13. the kids will go to the thugs as it has been for many generations....the safe establishment won't sell to them.
  14. so all the illegal "dispensaries" will just magically disappear????
  15. yep...I think it's called "putting your big boy pants on".
  16. I agree...when my son told me as a HS freshman that about 80% of the kids at his school smoked I laughed it off...4 years later I know that's true. And it's a pretty big school...amazing.
  17. actually I bet prohibition did decrease the number of impaired people, but it did also increase gang/organized crime, violence etc...hmmm...this sounds familiar.
  18. To be the devils advocate...since I do work in the field of neuropharmacology, it's far from certain that marijuana is not addictive. I have had YEARS of personal experience and although my younger self could never imagine my older self saying this...I do not endorse anyone younger than 21 using marijuana...yet most adult users started as teenagers. Legalizing it wouldn't stop kids from getting it or using it.
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