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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Petrino could write an ode as well...
  2. hey, it worked when they needed obi-wan kenobi... Help us, Lori. You're our only hope....
  3. T-Bone is on vacation...too bad.
  4. oh boy...look what the cat dragged in...YIKES!!!!!!!!!
  5. face it John, the old days are never coming back. The previous poster was spot on, until the part about civility...a little of it goes a long way.
  6. by most measures of "civility" your reply was worse than who you were replying to. It goes both ways.
  7. whoa...nothing inconsiderate about that...check yourself, this is how flame wars get going. You don't want them, don't start them.
  8. With all due respect, Lori is not an idiot, she knows that...sometimes people just need to step away for awhile.
  9. animosity goes hand in hand with bad football...back in the day we had the great RJ vs Flutie wars, then the Bledsoe fiasco, then that surfer dude...now??????????? This is actually calm compared to the "good old days".
  10. yo...we had cliques 10 years ago.
  11. hmmm...that's what my boss used to always say.
  12. hope you have a thick skin.
  13. so, can someone please recap the previous 368 pages for me?
  14. That's great news...but what I really want to know is if people should clap when he arrives at camp.
  15. hmmm....you one of those guys who's against clapping at Bills camp?
  16. I call that bold talk for a one-eyed fat man. Fill your hands, you son of a B word.
  17. Whoa whoa whoa....first of all I live in Connecticut so I know stuff...the "leisure class" never would use that label...they prefer the term "moneyed", secondly they never would say anything about "penis" and they prefer the word "tinkle", you-rine sounds like something a red necked fellow would say. However, I whole heartedly agree with the discrete clap, murmor of approval or just a simple head nod is more than sufficient.
  18. It actually took 4 hours for a Cincy allusion...very disappointing. Anyway...terrific photos of simpler times.
  19. Don't sell youself short...you're an internet tough guy!!
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