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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. well said, the only one "pontificating" is the OP...
  2. seriously?? You guys never saw this gem? http://www.nfl.com/videos/buffalo-bills/09...ings-1990-Bills
  3. like when he said "young linemen are expected to make mistakes..." then the camera focuses on Dockery as the guilty party and he said "even veterans are expected to make mistakes"...
  4. That was my crowning achievement here.
  5. prolly the Bills FO is dumb and the team is DOOMED.
  6. I was going to mention you the other day...then I was unsure if you were "still with us"... very happy to see you are!!
  7. That list has a ton of knowledge behind it...all respected for sure. I actually think the reason for the decline of the board is back in the day there weren't a ton of options, people came, made friends, developed relationships and got along....that isn't happening nowadays.
  8. yeah...that whole thing kinda closed another chapter of As the Stadium Wall Turns...high drama back then...some really funny **** though with BF and Sue around.
  9. You're going to hate this, but people around here accept you for who you are. Kinda like a crazy uncle.
  10. Having met him a few years ago, he was a great guy to my son and I...but some things he did on the board were pretty over the edge. I'm sure there was more to it than what we saw here.
  11. relax Bub...it was an inside joke...but I guess it also serves as a reminder that perception is not necessarily reality. now...I deserve an immediate apology.
  12. Damn...they said THAT back in the day too.
  13. you know what? I still call him that occasionally.
  14. sure blame SDS for your nefarious deeds....you bastard.
  15. I was just about to post "classic hijack"...I'm sure she would appreciate it....
  16. thanks B word...I needed that.
  17. ****...you know what...the old days really were so much better!!!
  18. sigh...Im feeling all verklempt...I love you guys....
  19. this is the kind of **** that used to really piss people off back in the day...
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