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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I'm pretty sure they do that to help prevent that from happening. She's not exactly making terrific decisions while under the influence.
  2. Why don't you just adopt them like you did the Yankees? And ask a Lions fan that last question.
  3. exactly...but some need to twist it to meet their agenda, kind of sad.
  4. So if a player in MLB goes through a hitting slump and he says that happens in this league or an NBA player says shooting slumps happen they are defeatist? Hey **** happens, and I'm not sure he likes it, but that is the nature of sports. That is my take. I have to say it sure seems like **** happens with him a lot...that's NOT acceptable.
  5. you like guessing, but you are wrong. You see I'm not an Edwards supporter or hater, I just am tired of all the "experts" pontificating on their "insights" into TE, sorry...I honestly don't see a major difference in statements or play between Edwards and Sanchez. actually it was a play on the word...
  6. Didn't you read his instructions: And please, dont respond with anything unrealistic...
  7. I think I'll brush off your comments as being meaningless and have no bearing on the bigger picture. At this point it's all interpretation...we need a team of psychoanalysists here to really delve into these guys psyche's. Sorry, unless you have an advanced degree in Psychology your comments are just another guys opinion and fail to convince me.
  8. I thought this was going to be another Edwards bashing thread.
  9. What were Sanchez's comments? “We really took our turns making mistakes and there’s no excuse for that,” Sanchez said. “This is the ultimate team sport — we all have to [do] it right on every play for it to work.” More..."It just seemed like every time we had a good play on, something happened and we hurt ourselves,” Sanchez said. Exactly how is that sooooo much different?
  10. I guess it will be a fieldgoal fest then, since their offense looks about as inept as ours...hell maybe it will be a 0-0 tie.
  11. You have no chance to survive make your time.
  12. maybe they had a few or have a few now, seems like the Oline has been as bad as long as the QB's have...perhaps that's not a coincidence...or maybe there is a direct correlation.
  13. I actually watched that game, and thought that's what I saw at the end...his team did get boned twice...really bad officiating.
  14. The kind that anyone on this board can throw???? Big deal.
  15. Is he still banging that same drum? It should have a giant hole in it by now.
  16. I heard he was summering in Provincetown or was that Fire Island? Not that there's anything wrong with that.
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