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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Don't let these maroons get you down 99999...actually I found your wit very amusing, using "self of steam" to indicate the ephemeral nature of Maybin's career...well done!
  2. I told Santa who's been naughty and who's been nice. He will act accordingly. Merry Christmas youse bastards.
  3. acid yes, mushrooms no. Have you considered just a good long fast?
  4. What don't you just drop some acid or try some shrooms??? Trust me you'll address all the above.
  5. So, do you actually like Sully or are you just ragging on posters who rag on him??? I can understand the latter, but the former really concerns me.
  6. I have no affection or dislike of a definition. I don't care for sports columnists, they are inflammatory for the sake of a buck, kinda like a whore with an STD. If I want to read opinions on what is wrong (or right) with the Bills I'd rather read it here, there are more than a few posters here who could do a much better job than Sully...just my opinion.
  7. I could care less if he praises the Bills or bashes them...the guy is a hack. In my opinion, most if not all sports "writers" who's claim to fame is writing sports commentaries are really no different from the thousands of morons like myself that post in threads on message boards...wait, he gets paid to do it, so I guess he's a "pro".
  8. Actually, I've always thought he was the exact opposite of a homer...he rarely says anything good about the Bills and seems to go out of his way to smash them.
  9. Billick? The dude lost to Marla Marshall on Match Game PM in 1977, after which Richard Dawson remarked "Football: Failed. Game show: Failed".
  10. just wondering how you explain the good job they did against Pittsburgh? Most backups will struggle in that situation.
  11. I haven't done ground war yet...is it huuuge?
  12. I'm on Xbox and the booting only happened once to me...coincidently it happened to be a great game for me. Nuke Town is so freakin' condensed it's refreshing, the respawning with the other team only happened to me once and I killed them all! 154 kills is just amazing! Hell, 50 is amazing! I can't imagine there is a low traffic spot on that map.
  13. agreed on all counts, friggin RC car...only been playing since Friday, but it is a fair fight. BTW fought in Nuke Town yesterday...that one is a frenzied kill zone!
  14. he got the penalty because of his history, he will never get the benefit of the doubt and that's his doing, not the refs and not the league.
  15. indeed...at the point that it happened, it was "dire"...now it's more like "BFD"...in the grand scheme of things it may have kept us in the top 5 draft pick lottery, just like the other 2 OT games we lost, or a few other games we should have had...sure it was dramatic, but really it's no big deal.
  16. indeed...Anton Chigurh. (look it up dummies)
  17. we frown upon the use secret police, propaganda, terror tactics and elimination of criticism of the regime to maintain our power, Saddam. We will consider your application when the political winds turn in the direction of totalitarianism.
  18. you're in! when you can take the pebble from my hand....
  19. Whoa...say, aren't we supposed to follow the great Pats...you know like when they brought in Seau, Fred Taylor...etc...
  20. See, your quote implies the bear killed the bison...not true. "once in the safety of the woods the bison out maneuvered the grizzly, escaping to live exactly one more day." My spin is the bison foiled the bear and lived another day...we will be victorious!!!
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