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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Personally, I find these types of "I told you so" posts more annoying than overt "I told you so's".
  2. Congrats!!!! Enjoy the first 10 years or so they're great!!!...mine are 20 18 and 14 now...ugh...but I still love them and they love me...sometimes.
  3. I looked more closely at this (it's what I do) and the consensus is that it is just the opposite. ..."The 2009 World Alzheimer Report, released by Alzheimer's Disease International, a nonprofit federation of 71 national Alzheimer organizations, estimates that the global prevalence of dementia, predicted to be more than 35 million in 2010, will almost double every 20 years to 65.7 million in 2030 and 115.4 million in 2050." Global Prevalence of Alzheimer's Disease Set to Double Every 20 Years ..."It should also be noted that all of this research, while supporting the hypothesis that the rise in autism diagnoses is not due to a true increase in the incidence but rather is due to a broadening of the definition and increased surveillance, does not rule out a small genuine increase in the true incidence. A small real increase can be hiding in the data. There is no evidence upon which we can conclude, however, that true autism rates are increasing." The Increase in Autism Diagnoses: Two Hypotheses
  4. really??? by that logic, if there was **** in the air that "made you autistic", they'd tell you not to breathe???? really??? nobody is that dumb...are they?
  5. food additives can certainly affect some kids and produce some autistic like signs...that I do not doubt.
  6. IMO the why is not important, same as cancer, schizophrenia, etc...how do all those conditions evolve...what's important is what is the best way to treat and deal with it. Looking for an external why is just to ease the guilt, I understand that, but encouraging others not to immunize is reckless.
  7. I wonder what Jenny McCarthy thinks about this. Idiots.
  8. Your statement/question cannot be addressed/answered because it depends on incorrect assumptions.
  9. I can't testify to that since I've never seen you in person, but it makes sense. Verily.
  10. ...that's Pfizer Pfriend bub...bonus...surely you must be kidding.
  11. indeed...it was quite a blow to my self of steam. I keep telling you...it's a real frickin' word!!!! Noun yeard (plural yeards) (archaic) Alternative form of yard.
  12. Listen Bub, if making a coherent post was so easy then even a caveman could do it...wait...oh...never mind. ...corrected by a caveman...the shame of it all.
  13. you and Tom really should start dating...
  14. The story is amusing but a reader comment about the story made me laugh: Story Link: ESPN announcer dismissed over comments READER Comment: mrrusss In fact I'm sick of any group crying. You can not tolerate disrespect, that's fine, but don't bring up a person's group. In fact, officially, from now on NO ONE gets to cry. NO ONE is oppressed, and NO ONE gets special treatment. It is now equally sh*tty and hard for everyone. Except Buffalo Bills fans. They get a break. ....
  15. I tend to agree with you...who is coming up next year that is as good or better than these guys? Will we be in the top 5 draft position again next year? Not sure we can pass on either of these guys, they don't come around often and you aren't always in the draft position we are this year. PM didn't exactly lead his team to double digit wins right off the bat. ..."Manning was certainly a bright spot in 1998 for the Colts, but he also threw a league high 28 interceptions as the team struggled to a 3–13 record, with a defense that surrendered more than 27 points per game. The Colts lost many close games, including five games in which they had led by double-digits at some point."
  16. nope...you just don't fall into the groupthink trap. "During groupthink, members of the group avoid promoting viewpoints outside the comfort zone of consensus thinking. A variety of motives for this may exist such as a desire to avoid being seen as foolish, or a desire to avoid embarrassing or angering other members of the group. Groupthink may cause groups to make hasty, irrational decisions, where individual doubts are set aside, for fear of upsetting the group’s balance."
  17. That's the difference between a high school grad and a college grad's lifetime earning potential. "The report titled "The Big Payoff: Educational Attainment and Synthetic Estimates of Work-Life Earnings" (.pdf) reveals that over an adult's working life, high school graduates can expect, on average, to earn $1.2 million; those with a bachelor's degree, $2.1 million; and people with a master's degree, $2.5 million." http://usgovinfo.abo...andearnings.htm So these student athletes are (potentially) getting $900,000+tuition+room+board. And that's not good enough?"
  18. you know someone recently told me that financial aid is responsible for this and I couldn't believe it...I guess I was uninformed... ..."an increase in need-based aid resulted in higher tuition and fees at both public and private institutions in the state. Public colleges also lowered their average institutional-aid awards, while there was no change at private colleges." Link
  19. Would you consider taking a QB with this college resume? Statistics Passing Rushing YEAR CMP ATT CMP% YDS TD INT ATT YDS TD xxxx 90 153 58.8 1840 12 5 110 580 8 xxxx 97 179 54.2 1439 9 7 113 636 9 Any idea who this is?
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