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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Actually it pressure up the middle the bothers Brady, that is what the Jets have done with success, it's been discussed on virtually every pregame and post game show.
  2. I thought there was an interesting discourse here the other day about Fitz's "lack of awareness".
  3. Didn't lose power except a few "hiccups", didn't lose DTV, no damage to house...but it was windy as **** and we had a ton of leaves all over the yard and driveway...some largish limbs came down but that's about it. Neighbors lost power, had trees down (one crashed onto the garage), lots of chaos, but we are mostly unscathed. I consider us very lucky!
  4. “Demotivation - Sometimes the best solution to morale problems is just to fire all of the unhappy people.” Larry Kersten American Sociologist
  5. All human actions are equivalent and all are on principle doomed to failure. Jean-Paul Sartre DOOOOOOOMED
  6. Well, that's reassuring, these are some big assed oaks and probably have been around through many a hurricane over the years!! Just all this hurricane talk makes me a little...well you know.
  7. hmmm...don't open your windows. Hey, I'm in the same boat, I'm in SE Connecticut...we'll be getting 75-95 mph winds, and my house is surrounded by giant oaks...I'm !@#$ed.
  8. get your **** off the deck, get your **** out of the basement. Which direction do your windows face? The wind will be coming from the south/east...
  9. BRAVO!!! This pretty much sums up me.
  10. I think most rational fans (the few and the proud) feel the same way.
  11. The dude passed for almost 400 yards against the Ravens last year...you have to have some "awareness" to do that.
  12. big deal...I want to know how the Tea Party feels about the Bills.
  13. ya got greedy son...that never works out...except with morons.
  14. I've had it since 2003 and don't recall any surprising negative stuff during installation...except for the tree fiasco...and they do offer a bundle with AT&T.
  15. I actually wanted to know what you were trying to say, my comprehension is excellent and I have superior context ability and still couldn't figure it out...but since you're being a dick about it...even with the spelling correction the sentence makes no sense.
  16. "The subtraction of willis and the addition of Lee has deinigtely put in the Ravens corner (after the Bills)." I've read that a few times and can't imagine what word you tried to spell.
  17. so how far off in the future are we talking about...do I need to write this down, because my memory is not what it used to be.
  18. ...cue the banjo music... Not that there's anything wrong with that...
  19. Ensign Authorization code: nine-five-wictor-wictor-two!
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