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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I disagree...I was shocked when they called intentional grounding on the first play, I knew it was not going to go all the Pats way.
  2. I couldn't say anything!! He didn't show up...and I'm moving my lab location today as well. Oh well, there always is email...which I did flood his inbox with a nice selection of photos.
  3. Inexplicably, T-Bone is not at work today...anyway I flooded his inbox with some cool pictures.
  4. Most teams stay in Providence RI when playing at Foxboro.
  5. I dunno Pete, sounds kind of dangerous..."is a the brand new Illuminati mind !@#$ weapon, to program the users into near-death/post-death sensations and KEEP THEIR PINEAL GLAND OPEN FOR ASTRAL ATTACKS, EASY POSSESSION and stuff. But people that love to get high is too stupid to see that! In another words, they created a drug that damages the pineal gland so hard that turn people into "living portals" to easy access of parasite astral entities"!!! Egads!!!! The Illuminati are behind it!
  6. The Bengals did okay with that (#7 in NFL)...the Cardinals werre #18. Base defenses in the NFL
  7. bingo...or how many were starters at the beginning of the season...you know,when the Bills were "good".
  8. The team with the most losing seasons in modern era NFL are the Tampa Bay Buccaneers, who had 14 losing seasons in a row from 1983 to 1996. Kind of puts those 9 7-game losing streaks in 50 years in perspective.
  9. I saw that this morning on Sportcenter...then I've watched it several other times. Outstanding!
  10. Thanks for that clarification...me was acting dumbly, but that don't mean me a dummy.
  11. Really? So calling SJ an idiot, etc... is not trashing? Oh, that's an "opinion". Got it. I love this place.
  12. He's been saying that since they lost to Cincy. BFD, the dude is a douche.
  13. The best part about his commentary Sunday was when he was outright laughing at Sanchez when Florence made him flinch, he was still laughing a few plays later. And IMO his commentary about the Bills was fair, even basically saying they are a contender that had a bad day.
  14. wait...hold on a minute...so you're implying that you can't give 110%??????
  15. What??????????? You bastard. Oh and don't worry about me, I live near the coast and we got a whopping 1/4 inch of slush on the grass, the people that live farther up north got like 18 inches...and regarding that jerk T-Bone, I got plenty of shots into that bellicose bumpkin this morning. Told him he should consider getting a Steelers tattoo.
  16. I thought this thread was about Tebow not Bruschi.
  17. I actually see it as a bell shaped curve, a few on each side of the extremes and a bunch in the middle. But as always, shallow water makes much noise.
  18. same direction as I was after the Pats game...so far I have 3 pieces of data suggesting we are good, and one that were aren't all that good...so the direction is still "good". I have to admit though that 3 data points suggests our defense is very shakey at best.
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