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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. At the main prompt...just say "cancel" and you will be sent right to retention/loyalty....you don't have to threaten to cancel but this action will take you right to where you want to be.
  2. Here's the thing...let's wait and see what this year brings, he's got a new QB new system, IMO it's too early to make any judgement.
  3. This is an empirical question.
  4. I saw one of those while I was strolling through the woods in Fairfield county...
  5. Yo...those freaks are from Fairfield County...I'm clear on the other side of the state! I swear!
  6. Man I was just about to tag this thread with that...but I didn't want Chandler to get his pantaloons in a bunch.
  7. agreed....one thing that always bothered me was why the hell would UFOs display all these bright flashing colored lights? Really? Why would they need lights? That is not to say I don't believe they exist, but I doubt the sightings that involve any type of "lights in the sky".
  8. seriously? i guess you have to then choose "topics" in the pop up box before hitting enter....sigh. You guys are worse than I thought.
  9. the search function is your friend....go to search box...type Maine...hit enter...VIOLA!!
  10. Stop the bleeding??? Actually kind of creative.
  11. They can be a challenge...The oldest one I've had about 25 years...add at least another 10 years and I estimate it at 35-40 years old...I have a few that age, others around 20. Mostly junipers and Korean Hornbeams (the most hard for sure), a few ***** maples, a few black pines...haven't added any recently.
  12. Bonsai...I was wondering the other day if anyone here cultivates them as well.
  13. https://visitpearlharbor.org/man-who-planned-the-attacks/
  14. He prefers to go by the gender neutral honorific MX. So it's MX SDS.
  15. has this ***** always been happening? Seems like this kind of stuff didn't happen years ago.
  16. it was 200 miles....just sayin.
  17. Agreed, but the strange thing is RI is the only state to do it....and let's face it most people don't actually "celebrate" holidays such as these in the manner they were intended to. And that's shame on us.
  18. I live in CT but work in RI so I have today off!!! Rhode Island is the only state left that celebrates this holiday. I think it's kind of weird holiday to hang onto, I suspect it's just a "beach day" the state did not want to get rid of, but I'm not complaining. https://www.timeanddate.com/holidays/us/victory-day
  19. When we moved into our house about 20 years ago it was pretty sheltered, lots of trees provided a nice buffer between houses. So my neighbor in back of me is a weird *****...first he needed to install a new septic, so he cleared all the trees from his back yard, no big deal, it's his house. Then he cleared about 1/4 acre of forest so he could install solar...cleared right up to the property lines all around him...we now we have a nice view of all those ***** that live around us. and our patio area went from partial shade to the ***** surface of the sun! Ok...that's still his right. But in the wake of all that, he spread out all the wood chips in that 1/4 acre, and just let that area go. Naturally, it has filled with all manner of weeds and crap....so much so that in the fall, when the wind blows it's like a frickin blizzard of weed seeds blowing into my yard! Now we have to battle all those ***** weeds! I know that ***** has a heavy duty weed wacker with a brush cutter attachment because the first year or two he would mow that mess down....since then he has just given up on it. My wife and I have now taken it upon ourselves to wack down at least 10' into his property to partially deal with this mess. I hate that dude!!
  20. The first rule of Fight Club is: you do not talk about Fight Club. The second rule of Fight Club is: you DO NOT talk about Fight Club! Third rule of Fight Club: if someone yells “stop!”, goes limp, or taps out, the fight is over. Fourth rule: only two guys to a fight.
  21. This thread is a tribute to this board being able to self moderate.....good job guys!
  22. saw you mention that in the shoutbox....thanks for the tip, it was great!!
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