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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. We had a guy (a friggin PhD) who used to carve up Styrofoam cups with a knife during meetings and no one said anything...weird.
  2. T-Bone used to do that all the time...need I say anything more regarding it's grossness??????
  3. Serenity now!!! "I don't know what's happening to me." "Simple. You let out one emotion, all the rest will come. It's like Endora's Box." "That was the mother on Bewitched. You mean Pandora." "Yeah, well, she had one too."
  4. Dude were you around in the early to mid 80's?
  5. why does everyone keep repeating this? He is the one of the most accurate QB’s in FSU history with a 66.1 completion percentage.
  6. Panic? Why not?? It appears to be all the rage! http://q.usatoday.com/2014/08/17/san-francisco-49ers-jim-harbaugh-colin-kaepernick/
  7. Apparently not....even the mighty get boo'ed: http://q.usatoday.com/2013/10/27/pats-fans-boo-new-england-in-poor-showing/ http://www.hothothoops.com/2014/6/13/5807408/booing-miami-heat-fans-during-game-4-proved-critics-right http://www.clickondetroit.com/sports/Home-fans-boo-Red-Wings-for-performance-in-Game-3/25626376 http://www.twincities.com/sports/ci_26372250/vikings-qb-christian-ponder-fans-booing-him-i http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Booing From Wikipredia: This practice has in recent times come under criticism. The opinion is often expressed that to boo a bad performance is unkind and demonstrates a lack of sophistication.
  8. Yeah, the 49'ers coaches are really dumb, they've scored 3 points in 2 games!
  9. That's what she wants!! Plus, with her job, it's a real possibility...that makes me well....you know....The boy is well, still living in FL, working and following the straight and narrow so to speak, he visited for a few days in June to attend his sister's graduation, that was nice, we played golf and just hung out for about a week. He's thinking about taking a class in the fall to get back into that mode and will see what happens...but so far so very good...fingers crossed. Sigh, all the chicks are fleeing the nest, ugh....
  10. Thanks Gugny!!! Those very kind words really takes the sting out of "losing her"...much appreciated! They tried to get her to sign up for six, she chose four just in case....you know her dream job would have been a gunner on an AC130 gunship. I'll keep you updated....
  11. Thanks....Yeah, I was pretty impressed by that myself...she ain't no girly girl...hard to believe since she's a real heart breaker.
  12. She scored really high on the ASVAB qualified for a ton of jobs and chose mid air refueler boom operator... she has to do a bunch of different survival training then goes to tech school in OK...not sure where she will be stationed yet, I think that's after tech school...hopefully it's in the continental US. I guess it's a cool job. http://foxtrotalpha.jalopnik.com/confessions-of-a-usaf-kc-135-flying-gas-station-boom-op-1578048155
  13. Thanks for all the well wishes...sigh... proud, but still an emotional wreck. Hopefully it gets better...
  14. Said goodbye to my youngest....she's on her way to Air Force basic training in San Antonio.... ....sigh......
  15. Try this, it's pretty amazing stuff. Got it at Target I think. http://www.zeroodor.com/
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