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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. Pretty sure no one would argue with that statement. This one IS on him. Yea we all agree!
  2. I wish I could link a bleacherreport article written in 2008 comparing Grossman and Orton...but we don't allow links to that website...I would encourage all Orton pushers to read that...
  3. Can somebody tell me exactly why Orton is so much better than EJ...I mean an actual fact based response...
  4. you can take shelter in "our conerbacks suck" thread....no wait there's even comments in there about EJ.
  5. Here's your word of the day Joey: ASSUMPTION....It is part of our system of beliefs. We assume our beliefs to be true and use them to interpret the world about us. touche.
  6. he's repeated that stat in three different threads now, it must be important.
  7. It took 4 years for Rivers to reach the level he's at now...2 years as a back up and another 2 as a starter. His fifth year was great and he sustained it.
  8. JMO as long as this thread is here, there will be an argument win or lose...
  9. Okay you non-believers....Based upon Numerology, 2014 is a 7 Universal Year ( 2+0+1+4=7). The energy of the Universal Year has influence upon the collective experience for everyone on the planet. we will have many revelations in 2014 which will bring to light information that was previously secret because the 7 is associated with uncovering the truth about things that are hidden. Alright, this is where is gets a little weird, especially if you think of it with regard to the NFL: "more and more people will begin to question status quo and begin to see a much clearer picture of our world and the deception in it. Secret societies and institutions that operate behind closed doors and in a secretive manner may be exposed. Conversations, thought to be private, may find a way to become public knowledge. Caught on camera scenarios, which expose the truth, will be common. Somehow, someway, the truth will surface."
  10. Ah...thanks, I couldn't recall the specifics, it seemed there was a "semi-outrage" over that comment, which I thought was really funny (the comment)...and then he kind of disappeared. Thought it was linked. He was always my son's and my fav announcer.
  11. Gus Johnson? They dropped him for his "He's got getting away from the cops speed" comment...too bad, he was great.
  12. no need to start that up, might be he's trying to be positive
  13. dude, I have a load in my diaper bigger than that.
  14. Can't believe all you oldtimers didn't post this: Picture yourself in a boat on a river with tangerine trees and marmalade skies.... or this: I hear the train a comin' It's rolling round the bend and I ain't seen the sunshine since I don't know when, keeping in this vein: We got married in a fever, hotter than a pepper sprout also: I was born in a crossfire hurricane and I howled at my ma in the driving rain
  15. The phrase should have indicates a missed obligation or opportunity in the past. In informal speech, it is contracted to should’ve, not "should of."
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