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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. well Mr Smartypants, it just so happens I recently purchased an 18" chainsaw...however, I'm still a little too nervous to use it.
  2. yeah...but it's still over a 700% return on the original investment...
  3. I got a cat and that's her name...er...actually it's my name for her...pisses everyone else off when I call her that. hehehe....
  4. par·a·site ˈperəˌsīt/ noun noun: parasite; plural noun: parasites an organism that lives in or on another organism (its host) and benefits by deriving nutrients at the host's expense.
  5. “You know you really need some help. A regular psychiatrist couldn't even help you. You need to go to like Vienna or something. You know what I mean? You need to get involved at the University level. Like where Freud studied and have all those people looking at you and checking up on you. That's the kind of help you need. Not the once a week for eighty bucks. No. You need a team. A team of psychiatrists working round the clock thinking about you, having conferences, observing you, like the way they did with the Elephant Man. That's what I'm talking about because that's the only way you're going to get better.”
  6. Ironically the target was addiction. Friggin big pharma.
  7. Seems like it, they make about 75% of what I made...benefits the same. I was an expert in two particular tests they are now trying to take over, they have no clue as to what they are doing. It took me about a year to get these up and running and getting consistent results...After a few weeks of incessant questions, I finally just gave them a few one liners and told them to "have fun"...
  8. yeah...he'll ban you (by accident of course)
  9. Yeah...funny **** right there...I should have expected as much...there I go and pour my heart out in a rare post then I get ridiculed and mocked...it's almost as if it's a plan to keep me from posting.......sayyyyy.... YOU BASTARDS!!!!
  10. 401K and pension. So for you pension experts....lump sum or annuity? I have an option since I was recently laid off..., do early retirement take the lump throw it in an IRA (potential to double in 7 years), or just wait another 7 or 8 years and take then make the decision (lump sum or annuity)...already ran the models through Fidelity and if I let the pension sit there it'll grow a max of about 2-3% per year for 7 years. It'll be interesting to see replies on this one.
  11. Just happened to me in January..spent the last 24 years working as a neuroscientist at a very well known pharmaceutical company...they "restructured" the department and a lot of us with the most experience were let go. It was out of the blue, never saw it coming. I got over a years severance, health care and unemployment for 6 months. Not bad...plus I turned 55 last year so I can do early retirement, pension, health care...but I'm not ready to be retired. I do realize now, after no replies from numerous job applications that I am totally qualified for, that the market for 55+ year old neuroscientists is dismal. However, it does look like I will have an upcoming interview with another company in the Midwest (I contacted an old colleague of mine who is now a senior director), they invited me to apply for an open position, they said they'll contact me in a few weeks when they start scheduling interviews. I'm hoping this will pan out, I don't want to be washed up at 55. Struggling with "reinventing" (aka less pay) or continuing down the same path. It's the first time in over 40 years I don't have a job...I always "quit" to move on to better things...now I was kicked to the curb. Those bastards!! I gotta get a job, these honey do lists are killing me.
  12. It would appear so, I think I saw a headline yesterday that the eagles were working out Tebow. Yikes!
  13. They started at a much lower point than everyone else too...
  14. http://collegefootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2015/01/25/qb-zach-gentry-flips-from-texas-to-michigan-class-of-2015/
  15. It's done all the time apparently.... http://sanfrancisco.cbslocal.com/2014/04/17/san-francisco-49ers-new-levis-stadium-designed-to-rival-seahawks-stadium-for-crowd-noise-super-bowl-l-santa-clara-acoustic-guiness-record-12th-man/ "the new generation of stadiums now incorporate design features that help boost fan support by trapping and amplifying crowd noise. The most important aspects are to keep the size of the stadium as small as possible, and to provide reflecting surfaces that can turn the noise back to the crowd....The San Francisco 49ers’ new Levi’s Stadium, in Santa Clara, Calif., has been designed with this in mind. It’s small, and fits snugly into its dense urban location. One of the long sides of the oval has been truncated, with the media booths placed in a tower that reduces the footprint of the stadium and will help reflect sound back towards the fans....At the Seattle Seahawks’ CenturyLink Stadium the large overhanging roof reflects noise down towards the stands.
  16. Is this what PPP is like? Fascinating!
  17. Sad that "one of the Bills better coaches" was barely above 0.500 during his tenure here...but it's true,
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