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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. ...."You can really taste the cheese...." mmmmmm...
  2. Stilton beer! http://newslite.tv/2010/12/02/beer-made-from-stilton-cheese.html
  3. The only one possibly nerdy enough to do this is DC Tom.
  4. Why wouldn't you either a)bury it or b) just leave it decompose naturally,,,,it doesn't take that long according to scientific research: http://hikethru.com/hiking-information/backyard-science/toilet-paper-decomposition
  5. Aren't you dead yet? Damn Grandpa....you are one tenacious bastard.
  6. That one toothed country bumpkin don't count son...no disrespect intended.
  7. Dude...you're not funny...no one is amused by your characters. Please just stop. Hope that isn't too subtle for you.
  8. Personally, my bet is that they are escapees from Gowanda, and have been on the run since the late 50's. senes propter tenui prudentissi
  9. “You know you really need some help. A regular psychiatrist couldn't even help you. You need to go to like Vienna or something. You know what I mean? You need to get involved at the University level. Like where Freud studied and have all those people looking at you and checking up on you. That's the kind of help you need. Not the once a week for eighty bucks. No. You need a team. A team of psychiatrists working round the clock thinking about you, having conferences, observing you, like the way they did with the Elephant Man. That's what I'm talking about because that's the only way you're going to get better.”
  10. Are you TRBJ's girlfriend??? Definitely his type.
  11. I wonder what Nana thinks of him? My bet is she likes his style.
  12. I am starting to get concerned about you.
  13. That remark has become a bit of a damp squib my dear sir.
  14. That show is my guilty pleasure...I was a bit reluctant to watch it at first, now I'm completely hooked...sadly I feel slightly less of a man for liking it.
  15. LOL...I said that to my wife during the last episode. Sadly, that is probably the hook that keeps me watching the rest of the season. My wife has given up on it after absolutely loving last season....too many super dark and depressing characters for her taste, even though last year the characters were also F'ed up, they were likeable.
  16. Finally! He has also irritated me like no one else, even better he's going to a channel I never watch.
  17. Hardy har har... As a matter of fact they are trying to bring a taproom brewery to my town, that would be cool...of course there are tons of zoning regulations...sigh...new england and it's antiquated blue laws...don't get me started. I can't believe that these liquor store owners complain so much, first they didn't want the option of opening on Sundays, now they have the option...yes option of staying open an hour longer and they complain about that too! Guess paying someone 10 bucks for that extra hour is going to break them. UGH. Happy Fourth to my highly taxed brothers! All the rest of you can go !@#$ yourselves!
  18. not yet...too many become enthralled with the lifestyle after spending the summer holiday at my patrician family's well-appointed estate, Brideshead Castle.
  19. Very appropriate retort. I doubt it, still unemployed, won't have Sunday Ticket either unless they give it to me.
  20. When read the thread title and saw that JSP was the OP my immediate thought was "well he finally got a penile implant for his 'problem'..."
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