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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. My advice, use your credit card and charge it up baby!!!
  2. try panhandling outside the library...it's pretty lucrative.
  3. at least you're not as irritating as that cuckold, Shirl's husband...
  4. , duh...of course we are...hang in there, everything will be fine once you declare bankruptcy. Seriously, I made a lot of !@#$ed up financial decisions back in the day, learned things the hard way...but am better for it.
  5. John, did you try physically disconnecting the satellite in cable, unplugging the box, reattached cable and plug it back it? Weird as it sounds that is different than just doing the reset.
  6. well...at least my home phone doesn't have a cord! yeah, yeah...I'm an old fart still clinging to outdated technology.
  7. I've been looking at ways to trim our household budget and an obvious expense to cut is the 40 some bucks a month I spend on the home phone. To be honest, we rarely get calls on it that are worthwhile, charities, those guys from "Microsoft" calling that my computer is infected , and other odd ball robocalls. My kids just call my cell or text me, same with my wife...I was wondering how many of you have dumped the home phone and gone strictly cell. Any downside (beside the 911 "issue")?
  8. My experience this morning, called to see what kind of discounts I have, since I was laid off in March I had to reduce my programming level to the lowest (no ESPN!), I'm fine with that and they had given me 30 bucks a month for 12 months plus 3 months free all premiums...those 3 months are up in September...I spoke to one of their ACE reps (retention) initially got not much...they could give me MAX for like 240...and nothing else, that is if I renewed my contact as well. I was pretty disappointed, the agent was really dead pan, "nope nothing else"...I hemmed and hawed, said I'd have to call them back, etc...she said "well we want you to be happy, you aren't thinking about leaving are you?"...it was as if she wanted me to say those words, "I am considering switching to cable"...so I did, told her I could get cable and internet for 99 bucks a month....her demeanor completely changed! "well sir, we don't want you to leave, so I can give you MAX free and upgrade your mini geni's to wireless mini's!" She was all of a sudden cheerful and animated. I know that renews my contract for two years, I was never going to leave anyway...so now I got MAX for free and some new equipment for free! Never happened before! The best I could ever do was 1/2 price. WOO HOOO!!!
  9. You should admit your situation. There would be more dignity in it.
  10. hmmm...Sounds great! Like a phoenix rises from the ashes...we as a nation will be reborn!!
  11. The aftermath of 9/11 and the need for Patriot symbolism is not there anymore.
  12. Not sure if this was posted or not...but go old Mark Cuban comments on this matter...pretty surprising: http://www.msn.com/en-us/sports/nfl/mark-cuban-on-tom-brady-four-game-suspension-for-deflategate-is-actually-lite/ar-AAdGHeY "As far as 4 games being upheld, the NBA owner in me is surprised it wasn't extended. The old saying 'the cover up is always worse than the crime' applies here. Once he destroyed his phone this all went from did he break the rules of the game, to 'can he get away with deceiving the commissioner.' We can argue whether 4 games was too much for deflating the ball. You can't argue whether 4 games is enough for trying to make a fool out of the commissioner of the NFL. The NFL can't have players, their agents and Lawyers thinking that if you do wrong and just destroy the evidence it will all be OK. That can undermine the integrity of the league. If this was the NBA, I truly think the suspension would have been more than 25pct of the season. So while the Pats fans I'm sure will disagree, I think the punishment of 4 games for trying to destroy evidence is actually lite."
  13. Have you tried Edge yet? Supposed to be to be as fast, if not faster, than Chrome.
  14. There would only be two people in the room.
  15. especially since they just merged with ATT and will be offering a bunch of bundles "soon".
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