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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. I assume it was heroin...the physical withdrawal is like 5 days...but not sure how bad it will be considering everyone's running for their lives! That would be a major distraction! LOL about the walkers...since they are pretty slow moving, they need a bit of a head start, the school is just being very considerate!
  2. Pittsburgh fans discontented after Michael Vick signs with Steelers http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/08/26/pittsburgh-fans-temporarily-discontented-after-michael-vick-signs-with-steelers/
  3. ...I rarely had pimples....and I stopped drinking Boone's Farm after "the incident".
  4. Yep...Genesis, Yes, The Cars, Talking Heads, King Crimson...great cover band.
  5. I just started rewatching TWD last night...the first person to tell Rick what was going on is Morgan, told him if he gets bitten or scratched, he'll get a fever, die then turn...that's what happened to Morgans wife. Later when Rick first encounters the group in Atlanta, they are smearing walker blood on their clothes to fake out walkers, he tells them not to get blood on skin or eyes...much later they figure out everyone is infected with a virus and you turn when you die even if it doesn't involve walker bite.
  6. Yeah...I hate addict too...even when he calls himself one. Thanks Tom, maybe at a future tailgate! I think that's what might make this as good as TWD, people living normal everyday lives then BAM, the unbelievable happens...with TWD the story started with everyone knowing about the reality of zombies and how to survive.
  7. Not really directly at you John, I know you're a good guy...sorry for the reaction. That was a really powerful part of the episode...glad others felt it as well.
  8. I detest that word....as a parent of an addict in recovery...I'm not getting on any high horse here, and not getting on your case John. Just let me tell you it was very accurate, and really hit home...kudos to them for an accurate portrayal. Don't mean to hijack or close out the thread...good news is he's 14 months clean! Please continue...(I'm secretly rooting for that kid to become the hero).
  9. I'm sure they will fare well in prison. Idiots.
  10. I actually think the show was pretty good...get to see the initial meltdown of civilization. What did you guys think?
  11. Yeah, that's almost as good as trading Robert Woods for a first rounder...
  12. NEVER!!! IT will live forever on the internet...Repent therefore, and turn again, that your sins may be blotted out,
  13. There's a time and a place for everything, unfortunately this really wasn't the place for trolling, it just makes you look like a douche. IMO.
  14. Well they would be appalled it's unbecoming for the parvenu to behave in such a manner
  15. we don't allow riff raff like that on this side of the state.
  16. I dunno, he's like the Kim Kardashian of football, gets lots of attention but apparently has little talent.
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