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Nervous Guy

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Everything posted by Nervous Guy

  1. http://www.msn.com/en-us/foodanddrink/foodnews/zima-is-finally-making-a-comeback/ar-AAnILuT?li=BBnb7Kz
  2. please do...don't worry we won't get embarrassed...
  3. Ok. Here is something you should be able to understand. Don't B A Dick. Welcome to my new list.
  4. This will be an extraordinary test for all of us.
  5. I get where you are coming from, a new place with a newly found "freedom of speech", I do think you started off this thread with good intentions...kind of like trying out your new wings. Sorry it wasn't received that way. Relax and I'm sure you'll find your way.
  6. I would like to chime in on a few things as well...first and foremost, welcome to all the DPs (displaced persons)! I've been here for many many years and it's a home to me, and truly a community that I care deeply about. The definition of community is a social group of any size whose members reside in a specific locality, share government, and often have a common cultural and historical heritage. I ask the new members to keep that in mind, be respectful, take some time to find your niche...there are a wide variety of people here, serious Xs and Os folks, wise guys, news breakers, really smart people, witty bastards, young and old...oh and the occasional trolls and stojan stirrers. Take some time and observe interactions, plenty of sarcasm around here so be forewarned and hopefully amused. Visit off the wall to learn some cool stuff about UFO's on the ocean floor, women people are hot for, commentary on The Walking Dead, or admit as to why you are a horrible human being, and finally, dare if you must, go to PPP Bonus tip, don't forget to hover over links...it might just send you to a Peter Pan freak show. The moderating team is objective and fair, and outright banning is not business as usual, we try not play favorites, be respectful (no name calling, etc) and let us get to know you, as we get to know you. Warning points can be given and taken away as well...depending on behavior. To be honest, this place has a lot of self moderating and that makes it a great community. Make use of the "report" button, it's pretty helpful to us, much better than sending a PM to individual mods. Have fun, make yourself at home...and welcome, this really is a great community of folks! NG
  7. I have re-read this thread again just now and still shed tears...to all those who posted, sent PM's or even just read through it an thought about it....Thank you! Your compassion, empathy, prayers and support REALLY make a difference! Last weekend at his service and celebration of life, my family was overwhelmed by the enormous outpouring of love that was bestowed upon Danny and my family from strangers, friends and family...I count everyone of you as friends. For those of you that did not read his obituary, look back in this thread, there is a link...we were very open with the circumstances and his struggle, people called us "courageous" for doing so...I appreciate that, but I cannot imagine not doing so...no more sweeping it under the rug, if it helps one person, then his death was not without meaning...sadly I found out the other day that another young man in town died of an overdose on the day of my son's services. So I ask if you know of people going through this, reach out to them and never give up. Again...I can't thank you guys and gals enough for your outpouring of support. In closing I would like to share my eulogy to my son, it's my honor to share something about him to a small part of the world: Danny and I shared something very special and complex…it’s not easy to put into words, I was his father, but HE was MY hero…sounds strange to say. He had so many qualities that I admired and often envied, in a lot of ways HE was the person that I wanted to be. Things that were difficult for me came so easy for him, his outgoing, open, unabashed and gregarious nature always amazed me. Danny never really took no for an answer, he was always working an angle to get what he wanted, he was relentless and undeterred. It was often very exhausting being his parent. He was like this from a very young age and for the most part served him well, he was able to get away with quite a few things just using his charms…it didn’t work on everyone, especially his coaches, I think he drove every one of them crazy…I remember once in high school when he jacked up a three from way beyond the arc and I heard coach Dan Spellman yell “NO…NO!!!!”….of course after he swished it, that admonishment changed to “Ok…OK”…I was so very proud of his efforts on the court, he was fearless, courageous and had a cocky sort of confidence, that part of his game might have irritated some, but he used that to his advantage, again working whatever angle he could. One particular skill he worked on was manipulating the referees. As we know, he wasn’t shy, and he never hesitated to initiate a causal conversation with them before and during the game, it cracked me up watching him work that charm on them. Sports in general were Danny’s passion and that is how we spent a lot of time together, whether watching football, basketball or occasionally baseball, Danny would rattle off some obscure fact about a player that I had no idea how he could know. He had a mind like a steel trap when it came to sports….but school? Well, he didn’t really care about that stuff. He was loyal to a fault, whether it was his teammates, friends or siblings. He would step in without hesitation to defend someone, sometimes it would get him in big trouble…but it was worth it to him. He always had someone’s back. An aspect of Danny that some people might not know was his fondness for young children…during his high school years when at AAU basketball tournaments with the Hartford Heat, I’d see him between games entertaining young kids, it didn’t matter if he didn’t have a clue who they were, with his gentle nature and his quick smile he have them laughing and entertained in no time. He was the same way with his friend’s younger siblings. This was one of his many gifts, not many people knew of Danny’s soft side, except those close to him…I’m not sure if or why he guarded that so closely….he would have ended up being a wonderful father. Danny was a teacher and a coach, but he didn’t know it…he taught me many things…the first being patience! He taught me all his innate qualities…faith, loyalty, persistence, acceptance and compassion. Over the last 6 years, he struggled with his addiction, but he also matured into a man. A man I loved and was proud to call my son. A few years ago, during a long stretch of sobriety, we were having a normal conversation when he said, “Dad, I’m an addict, it’s just what I am”…that shook me to my core since he had been sober for over a year, I wanted to dismiss it, deny it….but I realized he accepted it and that gave him strength. He didn’t want to travel down the road he had chosen, and tried repeatedly to get things right. His family stood next to him in loyalty, we had faith in him, we were patient, persistent, accepting and compassionate. The outpouring of love for Danny over the past week has been astounding to me, a true testament to what he was in his brief time on earth. I hope his death is not in vain, but serve as an inspiration for others not to give up and conquer their demons; or to others who know someone struggling, reach out, be persistent and show compassion and understanding.
  8. This past Friday afternoon, my son Danny lost a long battle with addiction. My heart has a gigantic hole in it that is only getting bigger as the hours go by. Danny was (as some of you that met him) a kind, funny and gregarious boy...he never lost those qualities. He tried to beat his demons over the past 6 years, and was temporarily successful for months at a time...once over a year! He never wanted that life and hated it, he never gave up...My family and I never gave up on him...we loved him so much. Friday I got the call that no parent ever wants to get. He will be coming home for the last time later this week. Not the homecoming We ever wanted. He was a life long rabid Bills fan. Proud to be a Bills fan. Wore his Bills colors in the heart of Dolphin territory...we texted each other all game long, shared the victories and the defeats...planned to come this this years tailgate. Now that's all gone. My plea to you is to have compassion for people in his position, they don't want to be there...they hate it, are ashamed of it...and sometimes just can't escape it. I miss my son and best buddy...I'd gladly change places with him, he was so young so much to live for. Please say a prayer for Danny to finally be at peace.
  9. I'd borrow DC Tom's line here...but it's trademarked.
  10. How much do you know about him other than what you see on the field? His teammates voted for him, I assume they know more about him than any of us.
  11. the usual douchebaggery. Mock or denigrate someone that got an award from a foundation with admirable cause: The Ed Block Courage Award is an annual award presented to selected players in the National Football League (NFL), who are voted for by their teammates as role models of inspiration, sportsmanship, and courage.[1] Named in memory of Ed Block, a well-liked humanitarian and trainer for the Baltimore Colts, the award is administered by the Ed Block Courage Award Foundation. Sponsorship proceeds promote the prevention of child abuse by raising awareness of the epidemic and assisting agencies who provide for the care and treatment of abused children. The foundation has also developed a national network of "Courage Houses" that help abused children in NFL cities. These cities are: Pittsburgh, Chicago, Miami, Detroit, Dallas, Baltimore, New York, Oakland, Seattle, Carolina, Cleveland, Atlanta, St. Louis, Indianapolis, Buffalo, San Francisco, Green Bay, Tampa Bay, Washington and Philadelphia.
  12. What should I think about this?
  13. TP is not intelligent and is biased against people who aren't faith based.
  14. I said 132....not 32 My IQ is in that neighborhood too...sadly I am not a self made billionaire either...I chose a science career.
  15. Average IQ of self made billionaires in the US is 132...
  16. It's pretty safe to assume that someone with the net worth of 4.1 billion is pretty smart
  17. Bingo. It's not ALWAYS the QB...there are several ways to win in the NFL, with a good coach you can overcome "mediocre" QB play...look at the Pats!
  18. Agree...but the Chiefs buck that assessment...with a so called "caretaker" QB. How do they do it?
  19. Close friends of Hughes reported that he was obsessed with the size of peas, one of his favorite foods, and used a special fork to sort them by size....this must be what he is talking about.
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